
how long before side effects during stims?

I'm just curious what to expect.  I think I am starting fairly low compared to others I've seen... I'm starting with 150 follistim and 150 menopur.  I had some mild headaches the last time I was on injections for IUI.  I exercise regularly and my doctor mentioned that I will likely need to scale back because I may be uncomfortable in a few days.  I know everyone is different, I just like to hear stories :)

Me: 32 | He: 35
TTC since Sept 2011
DX: Unexplained
1st round of clomid: Jan 2013 BFP - M/C 8 weeks
surprise BFP Apr 2013 - M/C 9 weeks
IUI #1 clomid Jul 2013 = BFN
IUI #2 clomid Aug 2013 = BFN
IUI #3 injects Oct 2013 = BFN
IUI #4 injects Dec 2013 = BFN
IVF #1 March 2014 - 12R/12F, one perfect day 5 blast transferred
BFP!! Beta#1 = 431 Beta#2 = 914 Beta#3 = 2207

PAIF/SAIF Welcome!

Re: how long before side effects during stims?

  • I never had any side effects from stims.  Lupron gave me a headache while taking it but the Bravelle and Menopur didn't affect me.

    GL!  I hope it goes smoothly for you.

    dx:  Unexplained IF
     TTC since May 2011, 1 year trying, and then 3 TI, 2 IUI = BFN
    IVF #1 (May 2013):  Antagonist Protocol: 
    24R, 18M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 2 early blasts, no frosties = BFN
    IVF #2 (August 2013):  Lupron Stop Protocol: 
    28R, 23M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 1 partially hatched blast, 7 frosties = BFP
    EDD 5/23/14, blighted ovum (6w6d), D&C (8w6d)
    FET #1 (April 2014):  transferred 2 5d blasts = BFP
    C.J. born 01/09/15

  • lmc28lmc28 member
    I think I had a better night sleep while taking follistim. I had to scale back exercise to just walking after a few days of stims because it became very uncomfortable. It took some time to feel back to myself following my transfer due to bloat and feeling just gross.
    **loss mentioned**
    Me: 30 DH: 31
    We are unexplained
    Married since 2009
    TTC since 2010
    RE since 9/2013
    10/13 IUI#1 BFN
    11/13 removed 6 polyps
    12/13 IUI#2 BFN
    1/14 IUI#3 BFN
    Moving onto IVF 2/14
    ER: 3/1 24 R, 16 M, 11F, 4 frosties ET: 3/6
    C/P at 5w1d
    FET#1 6/27/14 transferring 2 frosties
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  • I didin't really have any side effects other than an occaisional mild headache or some minor bloating.  I was on much higher doeses than you due to my age.  The dosages were 450 Follistim and 150 Menopur.  Being well over 40 I think I just needed that much to get things going :)

    **** siggy warning - bfp & loss ****   ---- All Welcome ---

    Me: 44 - Hashimoto's (under control), DH: 38 - (minor issues)

    IUIs: 2 in 2012 ... Both BFN
    IVF #1: 10/16/13 ... BFP, however it was not viable and ended in an early loss at 7weeks.

    IVF #2: Feb '14 ... Cancelled. Positive beta at baseline appt, became very early loss.
    IVF #2: Apr '
    14 ... Retrieval Only. 2 embryos made it to day 3 freeze & will be batched with IVF #3 for PGD testing.
    IVF #3: June '14
    Retrieval Only. 4 embryos growing, all arrested before day 5. Two from April thawed, but also arrested.
    Currently benched while determining how to proceed.

    "Keep going until you can't fail"


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  • Lupron gave me a terrible headache. Stims were not too bad. At the end I did feel a little more bloated. I was also emotional. Some from general IF stress, but the hormones don't help!
    *I am no longer regularly posting on TB because of the fucked up debacle of Jan 2015 when administrators banned long-term members and mods with no notice and completely dismantled a community full of women who cared about each other.  If you see me posting it's only to give support to a poster who needs it or to post something important enough that I need to say.  I am no longer responding to  anything other than issues that affect people who I care about*
    37 years old, MH is 42
    TTC since 2010; Dx Unexplained Infertility; possible male factor 
    August 2012 through June 2013:  6 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot, all BFNs
    7/2013, Pregnant! Unmedicated--we were on a treatment break
    8/20/13 no heart beat; 8/23/13 d&c
    3/15/14 IVF #1:  Lupron/Follistim/Menopur; ER 3/10 resulting in four transfer grade blastocysts, transferred one pretty blast and froze the remaining three. BFN. 
    Natural FET in May cancelled because the universe hates me my hormones were not cooperating.
    6/24/14 FET #1: transferred two pretty embryos; BFN   
    8/28/14 FET #2: BFP, ended in Chemical pregnancy

    Done with medical intervention and getting used to the idea of CFNBC.  

    All welcome
  • I had crazy side effects... I was complaining a lot this time because I dont remember having them (or maybe I just didnt realize what was causing it) my first cycle. I had headaches, bloat/gas, exhaustion, and extremely moody and emotional. It really started to notice around day 3. I was on Menopur & Gonal F (Follistim equivalent). Good luck to you! 
    Waited a long time, tried a lot of stuff, science made me a mom.
     Loss and IF veteran. Current mom of DS 5.5, DD 2, and sometimes DH 40. Due June 2021 with TWINS
  • Lupron gave me headaches the whole time. Ganirelix made me puke terribly the very first day I was on it.  I was also on 225 iu of Follistim, but I don't know where that fell into the mix of s/e.  I think I started getting the side effects around day 3 or 4 where I was super moody, emotional, nauseous, no appetite, gas, bloating... oh Gawd, the bloating.... extreme exhaustion... Oh the things we put our bodies through!! :) My bloating never went away, I feel like the progesterone induced bloat is worse though, there's just no "track marks" on my tummy anymore!
  • To be honest, I didn't really have any side effects from stims during my IVF cycle. I believe I was at 225 gonal f/follistim, low dose hcg, ganirelix, and 2 doses of lupron for a trigger shot (no menopur though).

    My FET -- where I was on Lupron for forever -- was awful, though. I had a headache almost the entire time. 

    N14 Nov. Siggy: CELEBRATION!

    image image
    TTC since 2011
    Aug. - Sept. 2013 - dIUIs = BFNs
    January 2014 - IVF = 3 freezer babies
    March 2014 - FET of AA and AB blast = BFP! Twins! 
    Nov. 7, 2014 - Wilhelmina "Willa" Suzanne (4lb 14oz) and Ari Jose (6lb 4oz) were born via CS
    image image
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    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • I nave really had side effects except bloating....except

    I did hyperstimulate during my IUI and had too many follicles which DID make exercise off the table for me as it could be dangerous to my ovaries
    ===siggy warning====
    Me: 40, DH: 42
    Diagnosis: PCOS
    TTC: May 2013
    TX: IUI #1 with Follistim. Canceled due to too many follicles (10 + that were large); BENCHED
    IVF #1 March 6. 14 eggs retrieved, 10 fertilized. 
    March 11, 4 eggs transferred.
    March 21 BFP  :) Beta #1 457, Beta #2 1350, Beta #3 9619. 
    Due Date November 27, 2014

  • No side effects from stims for me-which the dr. was amazed at because my body was busy. They retrieved 23 eggs but I literally felt completely normal, even after retrieval. I hope you have an easy process too :)
    Our Novel of TTC:

    *Male Factor (low count and low motility), High Prolactin, and Polycystic Ovaries (March 2013)
    *Recurrent Miscarriage testing also revealed high anti-phospholipids & single MTHFR mutation. (Feb 2014) 

    *IVF (07/2013): BFP-Natural Miscarriage @ 5 weeks* <3 Madison Riley <3
    *FET #1 (10/2013): BFN
    *FET #2 (12/2013)- BFP-Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks <3 Kyle Andrew <3
    *Chromosomes and Karotyping tests were both normal.We lost a healthy baby boy :(
    *FET #3 (04/2014) was cancelled after finding Chronic Endometritis
    *Miraculous BFP July 2014!! (I was taking baby aspirin and Cabergoline to stay regulated while "taking a break from TTC" and waiting to consult with a reproductive immunologist!!!) 

    Our healthy baby girl was born 03/10/15 thanks to daily Lovenox injections and baby aspirin. There are no words for how grateful I am for our rainbow baby. <3
  • I did a mix of Bravelle, Menopur, and Ganirelix with a Lupron trigger. I had 33 follicles by the end. I experienced some mild headaches during the middle of stimming. I exercised daily through day 10. I stopped the day before ER because I felt crampy.

    ***BFP and Loss Mentioned in Siggy***

    Me: 39 (PCOS)
    DH: 47 (slightly low volume...considered MFI)
    TTC since 11/2012
    10/2013:  IUI#1 BFN - 50mg clomid, two .75mg shots of Bravelle, ovidril trigger...1 follicle
    11/14/13: IUI#2 BFN - 50mg clomid, two .75 mg shots of Bravelle, ovidrill trigger..2 follicles

    IVF #1 w/ICSI:  ER 3/12/14; ET 3/17/14:  BFP!!!  Beta #1 3/31/14=1540;  Beta #2 4/2/14 =2551

    Twin A became an angel on 4/30/14 (8w6d)

    Twin B became an angel on 5/21/14 (11w6d)

    D&C 5/23/14

    FET#1 - 9/2/14 - BFP!!! Beta #1 (9/15): 926.  Beta #2 (9/17): 1946.

    MC -9/20/14
    FET#2 - 4/20/15 - BFP!!! Beta #1 (5/4): 1277.  Beta #2 (5/6): 2817.  US#5 -153 heartbeat.
    Due Date: January 6, 2016
  • On my injects cycle, I started getting bloated and really tender in my lower abs after a couple of days on stims.  I'm already stocking up on leggings and dresses for next month!  But I didn't have any other side affects.

    Me 33, DH 37 -- TTC since Jan'12 -- Low AMH (0.78) & endo, SA w/ low motility
    IUI's 1-3 = BFN, IVF converted to IUI 4/13 = BFN
    IVF 1.2: 8R 6M 4F -- 2 blastocysts frozen, FET 8/15 = BFP!!
    Beta #s = 445;1,098; 9,545  -- EDD 5/2 -- Team Pink!
    Camila Josephine arrived 4/30 :)
  • I was also on 150 Menopur and 150 Gonal-F and I didn't really have any side effects from them. Around the 7th or 8th day of stims and the day after trigger, I started to get sore when I stood up for too long but that was it. I didn't have any bloating or anything like that.

    Good luck!
    ******************************************** siggy warning ******************************************

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    Married July 2011 * TTC #1 since 8/12 * Me: 29 DH: 29
    21 Cycles TI: BFNs
    DX: Stage 2 Endo, uterine polyps and paratubal cysts removed
    2/14: IVF #1 Lupron Protocol = 12R/10M/9F, no frosties; transferred one 3BB blast = BFN
    4/14: IVF #2 Antagonist Protocol = 18R/16M/15F/6 frosties; transferred one 4BB blast = BFP!!
    Beta #1 (5/12) = 232 Beta #2 (5/16) = 886 Beta #3 (5/20) = 3168
    EDD 1/18/15 It's a BOY 

    ~~~~~~ All Are Welcome ~~~~~~

  • Thank you ladies!  I love this board.  It is so helpful and reassuring to have people that are in this with you during what can be a very stressful and emotional time.  I was so glad I was warned of the "menopur burn" a few weeks ago in a different thread.  When I did my first dose this morning, I wasn't caught off guard by the sting.  I just like to be as prepared as I can be.

    Me: 32 | He: 35
    TTC since Sept 2011
    DX: Unexplained
    1st round of clomid: Jan 2013 BFP - M/C 8 weeks
    surprise BFP Apr 2013 - M/C 9 weeks
    IUI #1 clomid Jul 2013 = BFN
    IUI #2 clomid Aug 2013 = BFN
    IUI #3 injects Oct 2013 = BFN
    IUI #4 injects Dec 2013 = BFN
    IVF #1 March 2014 - 12R/12F, one perfect day 5 blast transferred
    BFP!! Beta#1 = 431 Beta#2 = 914 Beta#3 = 2207

    PAIF/SAIF Welcome!

  • Like others, I got really bloated and sore after day 4 of stims. Right before egg retrieval, I felt Anton of pressure. I'm living in long sweaters and leggings. Good luck!

    IVF #1 Oct 2013- cancelled 
    IVF #2 Mar 2014- success.... baby girl born 11/28/14
    FET #1 Mar 2016- baby boy due 12/16/16

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