September 2014 Moms

Still breaking out

Anyone else still breaking out bad? Since I found out I was pregnant it's been bad and has not gone away. I have a little problem around my hair like but the worst area is my upper arms and my chest. It's gross. I can't find anything that works and it has got to go away before the weather gets warmer.

Is anyone else still having this problem? What has worked for you?

BFP 1/4/2014 EDD September 14 2014









Re: Still breaking out

  • Still breaking out. No solutions here. I haven't been eating well, which doesn't help. This is the worst my skin has EVER been!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My skin got really bad after I stopped nursing DS2, about a year and a half ago. I'm still breaking out. Was hoping the pregnancy would clear it up a but since it is hormonal. However, a friend if mine with perfect skin now said she used to have bad hormonal acne and she said she uses Olive Oil! Just a drop as mousterizer and it has worked for her. I'm a week in, no significant change yet but I'm willing to try it for a few weeks before I see a difference.
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    DS1: 8/26/09    |    DS2: 11/1/11

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  • My face is clearing up some finally, but my chest is still bad! I'm hoping it clears up soon too. I'm a picker though...I'm sure it would be better if I could leave it alone.
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  • My face looks horrible I loved my skin when I was preg with DD but this is bad. I've never had breakouts before, thanks hormones
  • My face is up and down.  It looks like it is clearing and then BAM a new giant pimple cluster will form.  Sigh.  I am using Cetaphil face wash.  It's gentle and works pretty well.  If I could keep my hands off my face, I think the pimples would diminish greatly.  I haven't tried anything for my chest.

    BFP#1 4/17/2013 EDD 12/25/2013, MC 5/17/2013 8 weeks 3 days D&C 5/18/2013

    BFP#2 1/20/2014 EDD 9/28/2014, Baby Evie born on 9/23/2014 at 8:50pm.  6 lbs 15 oz!

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  • tigger99 said:

    Lmao right now cuz the add on mobile at the bottom right now is for some clear face something to prevent pimples!
    The interwebs knows alll!!

    Lol how funny!

    BFP 1/4/2014 EDD September 14 2014









  • Pimples are out of control.  The weirdest part is that my worst ones are around the top of my nose just underneath my eyebrows.


    BFP #1 : 3/20/13 | EDD: 12/1/13 | MC: 4/15/13 

    BFP #2: 1/9/14 | EDD: 9/21/14  

    Welcomed our rainbow bear on 8/31/14

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  • I use black soap (raw African bs is the best kind if you can find it); walmart sells a few bar versions.  I follow that with Dickinson's Witch Hazel and moisturize with coca butter lotion.  I do this morning and night (most of the time).  At night I skip the cocoa butter lotion and this seems to really allow any pimples to dry out.

    I've never tried olive oil on my face, but sounds like a great natural alternative for moisturizer.

    Disclaimer: I haven't have a lot of breakouts during this pregnancy (hoping it stays that way), but this is a regimen I've been following for years and my skin is relatively blemish free.  I find that when i do get breakouts, they clear up pretty quickly (within a day or 2) as long as I follow my regimen.
    September '14 June Siggy Challenege: Dad Eye Candy

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  • I started breaking out a couple weeks ago, and new ones just keep coming. I use Cetaphil in the mornings, and Cetaphil along with my Clarasonic Mia at night to remove the makeup. I find that they go away quickly, the problem is that they just keep coming back :-(. This isn't going to last the entire pregnancy is it?
  • I had the worse acne before I got pregnant, and it went away for a few weeks but came back full strength this past week. 
    I went back to my regimen of using Cerave facewash and then use a bit of of witch hazel on a cotton ball as toner. I follow that with Simple moisturizer and it seems to be helping. I also use the witch hazel on my chest after I shower and before lotion. 

    I've also heard of olive oil. Origins makes a oil cleanser but I've never tried it. 
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  • I am only just starting to break out now... we'll see where this goes. 
    Mom of 1 DD 9/2014 and #2 EDD 03/17/2016 
  • I hate to break it to you ladies, but it could last your entire pregnancy. With my twins, I had break outs the entire time till after I gave birth. Then everything went back to my normal occasional pimple when AF would be on her way. Now, I'm breaking out again :( I don't have any solutions sorry.


  • Yeaaah still looking like a teenager over here. I look young to begin with, and the pregnancy acne really adds an extra punch. It's on my chin, around my mouth and around the bottom of my nose. I finally just had a couple "new breakout"-free days, but here come two more this morning. I always got acne around my period, so I guess it isn't shocking to get it now, but I am really hoping this dies down as I move into second tri... Thanks for the ideas some have shared. I continue to use neutrogena clear wash, toner and moisturizer (the wash can also be left on for a few minutes as a mask, which I do when it gets really bad) and apricot scrub in the AM every other morning. All in all, this seems to do ok drying out the breakouts and keeps the rest of my skin in balance.
  • Looking like a mess over here as well. My back, chest, and face are so bad. I look 16 again. My face has only improved slightly as I have stopped eating so many sweets ;).
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  • emancini91emancini91 member
    edited March 2014
    Have you tried lactic acid? It is safe to use while pregnant. Lactic acid is derived from milk. It will exfoliate the skin and keep your skin cells turning over at a good rate. Make sure you follow up with a good facial moisturizer. Dermalogica has a good moisturizer for normal to dry skin called active moist , and also a really great moisturizer called skin smoothing cream for normal to dry skin. Even if you are breaking out you should still make sure you are using a good moisturizer. A lot of times when your skin is dry, or dehydrated your oil glands will over produce oil to try and hydrate your skin causing black heads and breakout. It can be very frustrating trying figure out your skin especially when your hormones are in full swing. Of course Make sure you talk to your doctor before adding anything new to your skin care routine.
  • @SpoofLeJones‌ sounds sexy!

    BFP 1/4/2014 EDD September 14 2014









  • I'm over the pimples. The ones on my face I can deal with better than the ones on my chest. Really hilarious of Mother Nature to give me decent looking boobs (for the first time ever) only to cover them in zits so I can't even show them off a bit. Hilarious.
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