
New to the board - Conflicted about decision

I'm new to this board.  I had an emergency c-section with my DS after 24 hours of induced labor at 41 weeks with failure to progress.  Turns out, DS was sunny side up, and his head wasn't positioned right and awkwardly shaped, so he wouldn't drop or engage.  I am currently 29 weeks with DS2, and weighing my options for delivery this time.  I have reasons for and against both VBAC and RCS.  Ultimately my primary concerns are the fact that I want 4 or 5 kids, and I know the risks for surgery go up every time, but I'm worried that I won't progress again, and be induced at 41 weeks just to end up in surgery again.  I had a really rough c-section, though recovery wasn't too bad.  I think the reason my surgery was so rough was the fact that I went into severe shock and was in and out of consciousness for at least an hour after delivery due to the shock and my body's reaction to the morphine on top of it.  I'd like to think that I wouldn't have that problem if I was able to prepare myself ahead of time.  

I guess I'm hoping that someone else has some experience and can share.  I'm so torn...

Re: New to the board - Conflicted about decision

  • Kim22Kim22 member
    This probably goes against all real medical advice but I had a RCS because I wanted 3 or 4 kids. A VBAC gone wrong was scarier to me then several CS. I have now had 3 and my Dr. has cleared me for a fourth but sadly you can't really know how many your body can handle until you get there. Do you need to decide ahead or can you wait to see if you go into labor? Most doctors won't induce on a VBAC so if you don't go into labor you usually end up with a CS.
  • WIth my first I had a c-section that sounded very much like yours. For #2 I tried for a VBAC because we want to have 4 children, but at 41 weeks I ended up with a repeat c-section because I had no signs of labor. It was frustrating, but the second c-section was 100 times better and while my OB was operating we discussed my scar tissue and healing. Although this is very individual he assured me I would be able to have 4 or even 5 kids if I wanted. I'm sure you will make the best decision for your family and know that there isn't a real magic number for c-sections. It all depends on how your body responds, not some arbitrary number. Good luck!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Proud Mom to the ZooCrew - Jack 3 years old and Joey 21 months. 
    Excited and delighted to welcome the 3rd member of the ZooCrew in 2015! We can't wait to meet you Matthew Henry!
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  • Ugh, that sounds very stressful! I had an unplanned CS after pushing w DS1 for 4+ hours. He was sunny-side up as well. I had a VBAC with my second around 41+ weeks (very fuzzy conception date!), and he was 2+ lbs bigger than my first. Even w a second degree tear, the recovery was quicker and easier. One if my reasons for VBAC was bc I didn't want the risks of multiple CS.

    You might want to ask this on the VBAC board as well. Good luck!
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • I would try for the VBAC. If you go into labor on your own, great... If not- a scheduled RCS will be much easier than your first. If you do go into labor and still end up with a c/s, you know what to expect this time and can ask for no morphine. If you want 4+ kids, I really think VBAC is the safer choice. It would suck to get to your third c/s and be told too much scar tissue- no more kids. Then you would always wonder what if?? I just had my 3rd and last c/s and even though the c/s and scarring was fine and obstetricly I could safely carry another, I had too many other complications this pregnancy to ever consider another. Just saying that there are risks with any pregnancy but why add to it?






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