I'm new to this board. I had an emergency c-section with my DS after 24 hours of induced labor at 41 weeks with failure to progress. Turns out, DS was sunny side up, and his head wasn't positioned right and awkwardly shaped, so he wouldn't drop or engage. I am currently 29 weeks with DS2, and weighing my options for delivery this time. I have reasons for and against both VBAC and RCS. Ultimately my primary concerns are the fact that I want 4 or 5 kids, and I know the risks for surgery go up every time, but I'm worried that I won't progress again, and be induced at 41 weeks just to end up in surgery again. I had a really rough c-section, though recovery wasn't too bad. I think the reason my surgery was so rough was the fact that I went into severe shock and was in and out of consciousness for at least an hour after delivery due to the shock and my body's reaction to the morphine on top of it. I'd like to think that I wouldn't have that problem if I was able to prepare myself ahead of time.
I guess I'm hoping that someone else has some experience and can share. I'm so torn...
Re: New to the board - Conflicted about decision
You might want to ask this on the VBAC board as well. Good luck!
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)