Check out this article... to give this a try although it says to consult with doctor if pregnant. I can't imagine risks with organic coconut oil. Seems like a lot of great benefits and I feel like it's the latest buzz on FB among friends. Anyone have any insight?
Re: Oil Pulling?
However this is def used as an add on and doesn't replace anything.
I'm not totally against organic either. But I agree with what you are saying. Just do research and use common sense. I just think sometimes people get carried away and think it's all 100% safe. Thankfully my mom recovered, but it was a long process.
As for me? I may skip the organic coconut oil and add a little 'grandma gargle' to my morning routine.
I'm sure I confused it by giving props to my grandma, but I am finding that lots of her crazy ways were really actually pretty smart and insightful. We had a lot of fun at her expense, so I feel like I owe her the shout-out when I find value in the goofy stuff she did (like cutting her Ambien doses into quarters, which is now proving to be totally accurate).