May 2014 Moms

UTI help

So after dealing with contractions and later blood in my urine today, I saw a nurse at the OB office who said it looked like a UTI. She said she would call in a prescription for antibiotics for me. On my way home from work, I go by the pharmacy and they have no record of any prescription.

So, I have a call in to the exchange to see what they want me to do since I'm having pain and occasional contractions still. I'm guessing having my script tonight wouldn't really make a difference in that, but it would be nice to have it started. Anyway, my point of this post, does anyone have any tips for dealing with it in the meantime?

DD1: IUGR, low AFI delivered at 36 weeks

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DD2: IUGR, low AFI delivered at 37 weeks
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Re: UTI help

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    Tons of water. And anything to pass the time until you can start your antibiotics, like a nap or watching a movie.
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    AZO urinary pain. It's safe for pregnancy. Keep an eye on it though. I was having really bad flank (kidney) pain and they said it was probably just a UTI and I have Hydronephrosis
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    O and if you get the AZO, be aware it turns your urine BRIGHT orange. It was the only relief I've had with UTIs in the past
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    haylo33 said:
    O and if you get the AZO, be aware it turns your urine BRIGHT orange. It was the only relief I've had with UTIs in the past

    This. Antibiotics cure the infection but do nothing to alleviate the pain until the infection is gone. AZO is a miracle, you'll have bright orange pee and relief from the pain within 30 minutes. I always request it when I have a UTI
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    AZO!!!! I've gotten UTIs once a year since I was 12. It'll help with the pain. Also a warm bath will help relax your bladder too. I'm SO sorry - I know this pain!
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    Drink tons of water, cranberry juice and eat blueberries. Make sure the cranberrie juice is primarily cranberry juice a lot of them are mostly apple and grape juice. The AZO stuff is also great for pain relief, you can get it over the counter it's called something like urinary pain relief. And your pee will look like fanta.
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    For pain try pouring warm water on yourself while peeing. It helps with the awkward burning feeling. The antibiotics will probably take about 24 hours before you start feeling better.

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