Cloth Diapering

What's your favorite CD detergent?

With my daughter I used the DIY detergent but I was never fully satisfied with it. Since then I have lost the recipe and I'm not sad about it. 

What is your favorite CD detergent and why? 

I plan on using flats for the NB stage and I have mostly pockets from when my daughter was in diapers. 
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Re: What's your favorite CD detergent?

  • Country Save, Tiny Bubbles, Bambino Mio
  • I've only ever used Tide. I'm lazy and they sell it everywhere
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  • We use Rockin' Green but only because we have super hard water and it seems to work well for us. 
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  • Tide powder. It gets DD's diapers clean. I used Country Save for awhile and it was okay, but did not cut it when we got to stinky toddler pee.
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  • Tide for us too - we started with Charlie's but it just wasn't cutting it.
  • So far so good on the Charlie's front - though PPs are making me nervous about it!  Hopefully it'll keep working just fine so I don't have to hunt for another!
    BabyFetus Ticker
    DS born 6/2013
  • Is Country Save the soap that you have to use on all laundry or nothing?  I was thinking of trying this but I remember reading that about 1.
  • Charlies works really well for us, especially now that we've added the booster. I think if your water is even a little bit hard the booster makes a difference. I also like that they're a local company to me.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Is Country Save the soap that you have to use on all laundry or nothing?  I was thinking of trying this but I remember reading that about 1.
    I think that's Charlie's, but I haven't used either so I could be wrong. 

    OP We love Lulu's.  Hated Ecos, Planet, and All F&C.  I think the answer to this is really going to vary depending on your water, your washer, your child's age, and the diapers you are using.  
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  • I switch mine up between homemade powder detergent and Tide.
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  • Charlies recommends using it on all or nothing, but there's at least one person around here who uses it on diapers only with good results. We use it on everything.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • Thank you everyone for your responses. 
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  • Tide here, also. I only use 1 tablespoon and have been adding in 1 tablespoon of oxyclean.
    Chad and Fawn

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  • Nellie's. I was already using it prior to CDing and I love it. I buy it from Costco online in bulk (5 gallon pail). I've had this pail since the summer of 2012 and still have enough to probably last until July.
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  • Lild09Lild09 member
    edited March 2014
    Nellies is awesome but I'm also loving it bc it's made in Canada :) apparently my local Costco is going to be having them in for demo sometime soon so I'm interested to see their other products but like pp said I can order it from Costco Canada's site!

    Also for the cdn mamas it is sold at winners and home sense pretty often in the smaller packs as well as their optical brighter and dish detergent :)

    Edit: added where else to buy

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  • Anybody here have hard water? If so what CD detergent do you use in that case?



  • I have hard water. I add Calgon to both my pre-rinse (warm) and my main cycle. I have used Tiny Bubbles and Bambino Mio (Miocare) since moving to this area.

    I think I've seen a lot of people say Tide is pretty effective in hard water. 
  • Country Save here too. (We wash clothes in All Free and Clear). I tried Rockin Green at first but it never seemed to get the diapers as clean.
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    DS, May 2011
    DD, April 2014

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  • I use the Bum Genius detergent and it's been working really well for me.
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  • Switched to powdered Tide about 3 mo ago, haven't had any problems! I was stripping diapers like crazy before because of the ammonia smell. Now it's totally gone! I use 2 tbl load
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