My LO is two weeks old now. After her initial issues (excess weight loss, jaundice, high sodium) I started pumping and supplementing. She's now getting both pumped milk and formula, and I'm pumping every 2-3 hours around the clock. She was terrible at nursing - poor latch, very sleepy, etc. I gave up nursing after seeing how little I was producing and how poorly she was doing. I'm getting about an ounce each time I pump (sometimes a little more, sometimes less). My breasts never felt full, and I've never felt a "let down."
I saw a LC three times in the hospital and again after discharge. I kept hoping more milk would "come in" but I am doubting that now.
Do you think there's a chance I'll get more? I would love to try and nurse again. And I wouldn't mind pumping if it felt like it were worth it for what I am producing. But for now, it seems like it is SO MUCH work for such minuscule results.
Is there any hope for a change at this point?
Baby Amelia Ruth:
3 years "trying" on our own
4 Rounds of Clomid; 1 miscarriage; 1 D&C; 2 more rounds of Clomid & many tears...
Baby Girl due 3/7/14, born 2/23/14 - 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and amazing
Re: 2 weeks - poor nursing, low supply
I saw a LC once after discharge. Her best suggestion was frequent nursing, then pumping, then syringe feeding what I'd pumped or formula. It was too much to keep up with on my own.
I appreciate the other suggestions and will be making some calls!
Baby Amelia Ruth:
3 years "trying" on our own
4 Rounds of Clomid; 1 miscarriage; 1 D&C; 2 more rounds of Clomid & many tears...
Baby Girl due 3/7/14, born 2/23/14 - 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and amazing
TTC #1 since March 2011
1 medicated TI cycle & 4 clomid IUIs = all BFNs
DS1 born 2/14
TTC #2 since December 2014
May 2015 unassisted BFP ended in m/c at 7wks
April 2016 FET #1 = BFN
June 2016 FET #2 = c/p
August 2016 FET #3 = BFP!
DS2 born 4/17