
2 weeks - poor nursing, low supply

My LO is two weeks old now. After her initial issues (excess weight loss, jaundice, high sodium) I started pumping and supplementing. She's now getting both pumped milk and formula, and I'm pumping every 2-3 hours around the clock. She was terrible at nursing - poor latch, very sleepy, etc. I gave up nursing after seeing how little I was producing and how poorly she was doing. I'm getting about an ounce each time I pump (sometimes a little more, sometimes less). My breasts never felt full, and I've never felt a "let down."

I saw a LC three times in the hospital and again after discharge. I kept hoping more milk would "come in" but I am doubting that now.

Do you think there's a chance I'll get more? I would love to try and nurse again. And I wouldn't mind pumping if it felt like it were worth it for what I am producing. But for now, it seems like it is SO MUCH work for such minuscule results.

Is there any hope for a change at this point?



Baby Amelia Ruth:

3 years "trying" on our own
4 Rounds of Clomid; 1 miscarriage; 1 D&C; 2 more rounds of Clomid & many tears...
Baby Girl due 3/7/14, born 2/23/14  - 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and amazing

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Re: 2 weeks - poor nursing, low supply

  • Ounce total.

    I saw a LC once after discharge. Her best suggestion was frequent nursing, then pumping, then syringe feeding what I'd pumped or formula. It was too much to keep up with on my own.

    I appreciate the other suggestions and will be making some calls!



    Baby Amelia Ruth:

    3 years "trying" on our own
    4 Rounds of Clomid; 1 miscarriage; 1 D&C; 2 more rounds of Clomid & many tears...
    Baby Girl due 3/7/14, born 2/23/14  - 7 pounds, 9 ounces, and amazing

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  • We went through a similar situation. Don't give up hope!! I started out pumping 5 mL, and now I'm up to pumping over 2 oz. So there is definitely potential for an increase in milk supply!

    We gave up the syringe after a few days and opted for bottles because LO started latching on to the syringe and pulling the plunger down. Bottles streamlined the process for us and added some sanity to the situaiton. What you're going through is definitely overwhelming and exhausting - I've been there. And I know how hard it can be when you're not seeing great results. But if you can hang in there, you may really see some improvement.

    I'd find an LC that you feel good working with. It took me a little while to find one that had a "realistic" approach, but once I did it made a huge difference. If I were you I'd try adding nursing in before a few of your normal pumping sessions. Pumping sucks, but snuggling with your baby while nursing is much more rewarding and fulfilling. (Added bonus, skin-to-skin can also help stimulate your production.) Then pump afterwards for a few minutes to ensure that you are emptying your breasts. Getting DH to bottle feed while you pump after nursing has worked well for us.

    Also try power pumping at least once a day. It mimics cluster feeding and stimulates your breasts more than a normal pumping session. 

    Hang in there, and good luck!
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