Backstory: I started working with my friends around 4.5 years ago and we hit it off pretty quick. We had the same sense of humor, hung out outside of work a lot, and talked all the time. They were definitely people I considered to be some of my closest friends who were always there for me. They were both bridesmaids in my wedding a year and a half ago and that's when everything started to change. I honestly wasn't a bridezilla or a bad friend; yet they would talk behind my back to many other friends and coworkers. I kept the relationships civil for the sake of keeping my work days drama free.
Fast forward a few months; me and my friends were all pregnant at the same time, due within a 6 month range. I thought everything was going great again, but they would gang up with the judging and "know it all" attitude since they were due before me. We are all FTMs and I never claimed to know anything more than them, just hearing comments about "oh just you wait until blah blah blah" or "I didn't have that happen to me" sort of things.
Now that our babies are all here, the judging has only become worse. I keep in touch with one while I still work with the other one. I have nothing negative to say about their kids or parenting styles (we are all different) but I get the comments about how I co-sleep, I gave my daughter a pacifier at a young age, she is given bottles all the time, how she is off the chart for her weight, things like that (that honestly haven't hindered my daughter and nothing is unhealthy)
Sorry this is a long vent, and sorry again if it sounds petty, but does anyone have any advice on how to "break up" with these friends? I am just done being judged and I feel as though they are not the people I became friends with in the first place.
Anyone have any ways to explain it without starting some sort of huge drama? Maybe keep an acquaintance with them or should I cut it off completely?
Re: Have any of you ever had to "break up" with a friend?
I have had a similar experience with some of my girls from my wedding party. I am not sure why this happens but I have slowly weaned them out of my life. If they cannot be supportive, happy and helpful they do not need to be a part of your life. You will have to be polite to the one you work with in order to have a drama free work place, but avoid showing pictures or telling stories to or around her. It is not worth your time to let them put you down.
A look at my future