
Does your child's preschool do PT conferences?

DD is in preschool and her school schedules parent/teacher conferences twice a year. Seeing as though she's four there really isn't a lot to be discussed other than "Yeah DD is doing great, we love having her". The conference lasts 5 minutes. So does your kids preschool do conferences? It can't just be mine...

Re: Does your child's preschool do PT conferences?

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    Yes.  The showed me things they do to chart her improvement in writing, number and letter recognition. They give feedback on how she handles different tasks that they do and how she interacts rest of her classmates. 
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    Yes... 3 times a school year.



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    No.  They send home reports every 6 months but you can always schedule time with the teacher or director if you want.  DS1 will be moving up to pre-k after he turns four (so either over the summer or in September when they go back to a regular curriculum and not just summer activities).  I'll likely ask for a meeting over the summer just to get a good understanding of how they see him, academically so we know what to really work on for the year.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

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    Yes, twice a year.  They tell us about skill development and at my son's last week they identified some areas of concern that we're going to have evaluated.  It's really helpful.
    A: 3.07
    G: 6.10
    L: 11.13

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