I only have breastfed my almost 12mo daughter. I have weened her off my nip in 2 days.1 What do I do to stop my milk production? Are there quick ways without clogged ducts? And 2 now she won't take my milk in the sippy. She will sip water bit she frowns and refuses my milk that I have stored that I pumped. How do I do?
Re: Stop breastfeeding!
As with PP, I read that you can just express enough to take the edge off - aka relieve the uncomfortable feeling of fullness.
I started giving DS my stored BM in a different sippy cup than he gets his water in. I noticed he likes to walk around and drink it instead of drinking it at a meal.
Birdie, 4y
Jem, 3y
Vee, 1y
Baby Bee DUE April 2018