Single Parents


DD looked so stinking cute in her little outfit this morning.  Why can't I look that cute for $8?  So unfair. 

Re: Clothes

  • My dad went on a shopping spree for my DD while we were home on Friday (btw, she's feeling much better, but I do not like the sub doctor that we saw, so I may try to bring her in again later today) and there were so many cute outfits, WHOLE OUTFITS, on clearance between $3.99 and $6.99.  I just wish I can lose weight to go to Old Navy clearance because then I can get pants for $10. If I'm lucky. 
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Finding short skinny people clothes is impossible and not cheap. Which sucks! Especially as a woman, makes me sad. I cant get jeans cheaper then 20 dollars
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  • Finding short fat people clothes is not so great either.
  • tig594 said:

    Finding short fat people clothes is not so great either.

    And when you find it(either skinny or fat) you ask yourself who in the actual fuck would wear that
  • I know!  :-S
  • The only place i can find good basic blue jeans for a reasonable price is american eagle @tig594 their wall of jeans have everything could.ever want and they are all about 20 dollars
  • The best jeans I've found are the St Johns Bay ones from JCP.  They stopped carrying them for awhile and the crowd was in an uproar.  There were so many complaints they brought them back.  
  • LOL I gave up last weekend and went to Walmart. $15 for the most comfortable jeans I've ever owned. It's hard being a fat fatty and buying clothes.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    Throwing leaves <3
  • Walmart pants fit me weird...
  • mrs.tbc said:
    LOL I gave up last weekend and went to Walmart. $15 for the most comfortable jeans I've ever owned. It's hard being a fat fatty and buying clothes.
    OMG, no joke! Especially since DS is starting to wean a little bit, I am hopeful to lose at least some of this lovely mommy flab.


  • eg214eg214 member
    Target bottoms fit me weird. I just found a good pair at Nordstrom and had a giftcard so whatever. Old Navy used to fit me weird. I always had to get like one pair of "nicer" jeans and wear them like 484838 times bc they were pretty much the only that would work. Now I'd kill to fit into the five pairs I have in my closet from pre pregs.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • Target bottoms - maternity and non - fit me horrendously. Gap jeans do ok for my lil' booty in certain styles. I was lucky to get a pair as hand-me-downs from a mom-friend of a mom-friend haha.


  • Skinny girl problems. When you have to wear hollister cause that is the only store that carries pants in your size
  • I totally get the whole mom jean thing now - where else is your now empty pouch supposed to go? Not cute when it's hanging over. And elastic. That would be the perfect pair for me
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