2nd Trimester

Anterior Placenta changes as baby grows?

Hi everyone! I've lurked for quite a while, this will be my first posting in the pregnancy boards. I apologize in advance if this has been posted before.

At my NT scan, the ultrasound tech said that I have an anterior placenta.  Those of you who had/have anterior placenta  at 12 weeks have experience with the placenta position changing as the baby grows?  When did you see these changes occur - by the 20 week anatomy scan?

Also, do you think having an anterior placenta changes how early/late your bump shows?

I've been reading about mom's with anterior placed placenta having complications with previous cesarian's and the baby's movements being cushioned and the possibility of it progressing to placenta praevia.  I will be asking my OB, but my next appointment isn't until next week.  I was hoping to hear from other moms to be what your experiences were. Thanks!!!
Married 08.11.2012
BFP 12.20.2013
EDD 09.02.2014


BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Anterior Placenta changes as baby grows?

  • I had anterior placenta last go. I felt movement about a 18-19 weeks but it took a while for them to get stronger and DH to feel them.

    I had no problems with my c/s. It just depends on how far down the placenta goes. In my case it was covering my middle belly dead center.

    I started showing way later around 24 weeks before I fully popped. Then it looked like I smuggled a basketball.
  • I was 30 weeks here
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  • And the night before delivery 39 weeks. I never did get huge like I did with my first.
  • Thanks!!! @Justabean3when were you told you had anterior placenta?  
    Married 08.11.2012
    BFP 12.20.2013
    EDD 09.02.2014


    BabyFetus Ticker

  • At 12 weeks at the NT scan
  • I was told at 12 weeks that i had an anterior placenta. At my A/S is was still in that position, hadn't seemed to move at all. I haven't really felt a lot of movement but my doc says that is totally normal. I have a clearly defined bump at 20 weeks but i had a bit of a belly to begin with.

    My doc hasn't mentioned anything about the possibility of it moving down and becoming previa, or any possible delivery complications. From what i can tell it's sitting squarely in the middle and not going anywhere. 

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    BFP: 11.09.13   EDD: 07.21.14 
    Baby Sylvia born 07.20.14
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  • I've had an AP twice.  It makes no difference in how your belly grows. A low placenta (previa) can move up but it doesn't go the other way (think about the fact that your uterus is growing up and out) - so it's only a concern if your placenta is low early on (and they'd watch to see if it moves up).  It can "dull" movement a bit but you'll feel plenty soon enough!
  • Thanks everyone, very helpful!!
    Married 08.11.2012
    BFP 12.20.2013
    EDD 09.02.2014


    BabyFetus Ticker

  • This is my second anterior placenta and it never changes the whole pregnancy to interior. It buffers movements for a while but like others say you will feel movements soon enough. It has nothing to do with placenta previa or acertas. I only had a concern for acerta because of where exactly the placenta fell over my csection scar. It's not all that common. Also bump has nothing to do with the placenta it's all based on your body.

    Married: 5/09 ~ TTC Since: 10/10 ~ PCOS ~ Progesterone from 10/10 - 2/11 ~ HSG on 3/18 - Clear ~ Started Metformin 1000mg & Clomid 50mg 2/11 ~ Metformin upped to 1500mg 4/6 ~ 6/7 Now going to SG and put on Clomid, Ovidrel, Gonal F, Prometrium, Estrace ~ IUI #1 7/2 = BFP!!!!!! March 6th our little man was born. 

    6/17/13 - Ovidrel, Follistim, Prometrium ~ IUI #1 7/2 = BFP! March 17th our St. Pattys day baby arrived

    10/29/17 - Started process for IVF, got pregnant & miscarried a 2nd time since summer. 2/22 started stims - Menopur, Gonal F, Cetrotide - retrieval 3/6 - , PIO, estrace 3xday - FET 4/18 = Beta 1: 616; Beta 2: 1342 = BFP 

  • ncbelle said:

    I've had an AP twice.  It makes no difference in how your belly grows. A low placenta (previa) can move up but it doesn't go the other way (think about the fact that your uterus is growing up and out) - so it's only a concern if your placenta is low early on (and they'd watch to see if it moves up).  It can "dull" movement a bit but you'll feel plenty soon enough!

    This. My low lying placenta (which was mostly anterior) become full anterior and no longer low lying. It doesn't go the other way around. My belly looks the same as it did with DD which I had a posterior one.
    I was feeling this baby at around 14 weeks (though it was still mostly previa at the point). I don't think it dulled movement at all. I find this baby to be much more active and jabs harder than DD did.

    DD1: IUGR, low AFI delivered at 36 weeks

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    DD2: IUGR, low AFI delivered at 37 weeks
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  • mine was an anterior placenta at 12W, the tech switched the u/s to 4D to look at the baby and the placenta was right along the length of the baby. I didn't feel flutters I felt movement at around 16W I think.

    at my Anomaly scan at 20W I asked the u/s tech ( a different one) to check where my placenta was and she said posterior, it doesn't actually move but as the uterus grow bigger and stretches that makes the placenta move along. If you have Placenta Previa to begin with you'd want to monitor it to see if it moves up like one of the PPs said but don't worry about your current placenta turning into a placenta previa.

    and I don't think it has anything to do with the bump. everyone thinks that my bump is too small for how far along I am and I think am just about right for a first time mom with a long torso
    God Bless You my Little One
    Farida, our first child, born on the 19th of July 2014
    Farida, at 8 weeks
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