Cloth Diapering

Hi Everyone

anna&nicholasanna&nicholas member
edited March 2014 in Cloth Diapering
Hi Everyone,
I have been browsing the board and thought I would introduce myself.
I'm due Sept 16 with my second child. My son just turned 13 last Thursday. Yes, my children will have a huge age difference!
I totally feel like I'm starting as a new mom as everything has changed so much regarding baby products in 13 years. I'm lost!
We plan to cloth diaper our new baby. I wanted to with my son, but I really don't remember seeing all the nifty inserts, etc. back then (I did make my own cloth flannel wipes, which I'll do again).
We have done a little research on diapers and found the brand Best Bottoms (sold by Satara) that seem great. They are covers with snap in inserts and I even think the cost of $16 a cover and $4 an insert seems doable. They are so easy to use!
So some questions I'm hoping u can help me with..
Has anyone heard of/used Best Bottoms (or anything similar) and did it work out ok?
Grandma will be babysitting 2 days a week and she loves that we will cd as she did with me, however, the other 2 days will be daycare. How have daycare providers responded to cloth diapering? Have any been rude about it? I'm actually worried about this and hope it doesn't have to be a factor in a provider selection.
Seriously silly question..other than the start up cost and labor, is there any reason not to cd?
Tnx for all and any help!
I'm sure I'll have tons more questions!

Re: Hi Everyone

  • I love best bottoms! However they might not be the best choice for DC. Most DC's require a complete diaper change, ie you couldn't reuse the cover. Most DC's are going to prefer a pocket or AIO. Depending on your area, some DC's are totally open, some are less willing. Just ask.
    TTC with PCOS since November 2009
    IUI#1 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP, m/c
    IUI#2 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 5-9) = BFN
    IUI#3 Femara/Ovidrel (cd 3-7) = BFP!
    beta #1 11/23 = 270, P4 = 75
    beta #2 11/28 = 2055
    Our daughter E was born 7/29/2012!
    Surprise, our 2nd daughter P was born 5/22/14!
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  • I like best bottom diapers. I think the covers are sturdy and well made (and cute!). They didn't really fit on my babies well until they were over 8 lbs so you may need some smaller covers for the newborn stage. They also aren't great for the runny poo stage, so I used prefolds rather than the inserts until they weren't pooping as often. I still use prefolds a good portion of the time with them but the inserts are convenient to have. I have a few of the small inserts, but will skip the medium size and just get larges next.

    Some daycares are willing and some aren't, so ask around. My state doesn't have legal restrictions.
    Married 8/2008. IVF with PGD March 2013.
    3/22 ER: 25R, 20M, 15F. 9 genetically normal, and 3 survived to Day 5
    3/27 ET: transferred 1 embryo, beta 9dp5dt=163, 12dp5dt=639
    4/25 1st ultrasound at 7 weeks = identical twins with heartbeats?!!!
    PPROM at 31w, delivery at 32 weeks of two beautiful girls
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