Cloth Diapering

Poop stains

I'm new to CD'ing. My 9wo is EBF. Her orange poop is staining all my diapers. I have a HE front loader. I do one to two cold water rinses and then wash on warm with Nature Clean 2x concentrated. Then sometimes I've rinsed afterwards. Sometimes the poop diaper has sat in the bag for two to three days. I know sunning them will help get the stains out. But is there anything I can do to the wash to help? Change the soap? Recommendations?

Re: Poop stains

  • Stains =/= dirty.  If they smell clean, they are.  Some have success using BacOut but really sunning and time will wash out the stains.

    This. I wouldn't worry if they're clean. Besides, they'll just get pooped on again.
  • They're totally clean. But some have very bright stains! Is this just a part of CD'ing?
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  • sarah0632 said:
    They're totally clean. But some have very bright stains! Is this just a part of CD'ing?
    Yes - EBF poo stains. Don't worry about it.

    Next time it's sunny, wash your diapers and dry them in the sun. Indoors if that's your only option. The stains will disappear. Even the old stains.

    I never used bleach, bac-out or even oxiclean on DD's newborn diapers. When DD outgrew them I washed them a final time and dried them in the sun. They were spotless for the new mama I sold them to.
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  • When I first started my NB diapers a few weeks ago I also had yellow stains from NB poop... I was using a soap nut detergent. I decided to go ahead and try Tide like everyone recommends to see if it would make a difference and sure enough the diapers are bright white now. Not sure if you have tried that yet but it may be worth a shot?


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  • What kind of tide do you use?
  • Just wait 'til your LO starts eating solids and discovers blueberries. Good times!
  • I use the regular stains with the newborn poo yet anyway.


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  • Not trying to hijack the thread but kind of the same idea....I got a stash of cloth diapers and some of them have this weird kinda looks like dry coffee grounds in terms of tiny specks almost black in colour and they will be bunched together.  No clue what it is....I washed them and used 1/4 c of bleach then sunned them too but its still there.  Also, its only on BG AIO's and a couple OS BG pockets.  Anyone have any experience with this? 

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  • I honestly haven't tried! I was thinking about that, like picking it off or possibly using a razor to gently shave off those spots.  I honestly thought they were just stains and would come out with washing and sunning them!

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  • Try and pick it off with your nail. If it comes off it's probsy pieces of poop stuck in the fabric. You'll have to hand scrub. Or send them back.
    Alright, I'll try it out (gross but I'll do it!).  We got them free (yay!) so  I won't be sending back.  Will the diapers still be usable once I pick off/ hand scrub that away (the poops not so far down in the diaper that it can't be used?)??

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  • I don't mind the stains. I bleach my diapers every three months or so, and it gets rid of most of them. Some people don't like to use bleach, though.
    Chad and Fawn

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  • Mapleme said:
    Could also be mold staining. Bleach and sun will have killed off anything, so they would still work just as well. Just with stains.
    If it is mold staining, shouldn't I be worried about using that on the LO?  Did the washing process kill whatever spores were there? Hoping that a good hand scrubbing will help whatever it is come off.  Luckily, the stash was huge and we ordered some of a A12 system we liked so we will have over 24 diapers for the post new born phase...I'd just like to get use out of these too if possible!

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  • OP your third sentence made me LLOL. Bc they're really not your diapers. They are your LOs. For pooping in.

    That's so funny! I actually re-read it before you said anything and thought it sounded funny. I'm such a CD lover that I'm a bit possessive of them
  • Lol it's probably because I'm a nurse that the poo doesn't phase me as much as mold! Also since I know it's poop from a baby , it most likely was not contaminated with crazy viruses etc since she only cd for 3 months and breast fed lol!

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