I'm new to CD'ing. My 9wo is EBF. Her orange poop is staining all my diapers. I have a HE front loader. I do one to two cold water rinses and then wash on warm with Nature Clean 2x concentrated. Then sometimes I've rinsed afterwards. Sometimes the poop diaper has sat in the bag for two to three days. I know sunning them will help get the stains out. But is there anything I can do to the wash to help? Change the soap? Recommendations?
Re: Poop stains
This. I wouldn't worry if they're clean. Besides, they'll just get pooped on again.
Next time it's sunny, wash your diapers and dry them in the sun. Indoors if that's your only option. The stains will disappear. Even the old stains.
I never used bleach, bac-out or even oxiclean on DD's newborn diapers. When DD outgrew them I washed them a final time and dried them in the sun. They were spotless for the new mama I sold them to.
Alright, I'll try it out (gross but I'll do it!). We got them free (yay!) so I won't be sending back. Will the diapers still be usable once I pick off/ hand scrub that away (the poops not so far down in the diaper that it can't be used?)??