Cloth Diapering

Does using cloth diapers automatically make you a crunchy mama?

huntjulhuntjul member
edited March 2014 in Cloth Diapering
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Does using cloth diapers automatically make you a crunchy mama? 161 votes

2% 4 votes
It puts you on the road to crunchiness, but isn't enough alone
73% 119 votes
23% 38 votes

Re: Does using cloth diapers automatically make you a crunchy mama?

  • According to some of my friends it does. But they also refer to me as Cloth Queen, so if they're right, better all bow down. ;)
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  • Ehh, I pick and choose my crunchiness. The in-laws call Logan's amber necklace his "hippie necklace". Whatever. :)
    Chad and Fawn

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  • I will say it has paved the way for a few things, but I would have probably done those regardless of the dipes.
    Chad and Fawn

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  • CD is the crunchy gateway drug.So is Whole Foods/Central Market.
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  • So CD is like pot? ;)
    Chad and Fawn

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  • Depending on your views on pot... sure?
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  • I have done more crunchy things post-CDs, but I probably would have something's anyway. However, mama cloth is one thing I wouldn't have tried before using cloth diapers.
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  • I think it's all about WHY you do it. If it's strictly because of budget but you're feeding your family off the dollar menu every night, and live a generally anti-crunchy lifestyle, you're not crunchy just because you CD.
    But it definitely can be a stepping stone or a way to be semi- if not fully crunchy. I just don't think that it in itself means you're crunchy or not. I think you can be pretty crunchy and use disposables too. (But WHY!??) haha
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  • RrrrrachelRrrrrachel member
    edited March 2014
    Judging by the number of people on Facebook asking if it's ok to wash cloth diapers in dreft,no, it definitely doesn't. And attachment parenting is a separate thing, too, although they obviously often overlap.
    Mama to a little girl born July 2011 and a little boy born April 2014! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Judging by the number of people on Facebook asking if it's ok to wash cloth diapers in dreft,no, it definitely doesn't. And attachment parenting is a separate thing, too, although they obviously often overlap.
    Yea, the crunchy scale is just for laughs. But I don't get why a lot of the AP stuff is on there. Baby wearing and bedsharing doesn't make you environmentally friendly.
  • Robi1Robi1 member
    Judging by the number of people on Facebook asking if it's ok to wash cloth diapers in dreft,no, it definitely doesn't. And attachment parenting is a separate thing, too, although they obviously often overlap.

    I totally agree with this. On the crunchy mama scale posted above, every level (even the high ones) I was about half and half... yes, I had a natural birth and ate my placenta, and my baby wears an amber necklace and only has natural toys and we don't own a TV, and I've used mama cloth since college, but my baby has slept in her own room since day 1 and I have no plans to breastfeed long past a year and I only baby wear when we're out somewhere, not as a lifestyle. I do baby-led weaning but I don't make my own jam or have a garden or drink green smoothies and I have no interest in mason jars or hemp clothes... Am I crunchy? I guess but I don't think of myself that way. 

    And I hate that if anyone sees me with my ring sling or Ergo or breastfeeding in public, they assume attachment parent right away. Um, no. 
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  • For my area I'm not super crunchy. Sure I CD, babywear, coslept, ate my placenta, do amber necklaces, and use more natural things. However, I don't drive a Volvo, I use mostly conventional stuff, and I take my kidsto a normal pedi and vaccinate. All the "crunchy" moms do those things or partly. They almost all drive Volvos though. Lol. I'm crunchy for my family though. Since my family is sort of redneck.
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  • Mandmeesh said:
    Whatever. I wear my crunch badge proudly.
    me too.  super crunchy.  Maybe I should take a tumble in my dryer to soften up? 

    or is that a separate issue?
    Crunchy diapers are the first thing that come to mind when I think of crunchy parenting. 
  • Mandmeesh said:
    Whatever. I wear my crunch badge proudly.
    me too.  super crunchy.  Maybe I should take a tumble in my dryer to soften up? 

    or is that a separate issue?
    Crunchy diapers are the first thing that come to mind when I think of crunchy parenting. 
    So, if I have hard water mineral deposits on my diapers, does that make me crunchier than other CD moms?
  • For my area I'm not super crunchy. Sure I CD, babywear, coslept, ate my placenta, do amber necklaces, and use more natural things. However, I don't drive a Volvo, I use mostly conventional stuff, and I take my kidsto a normal pedi and vaccinate. All the "crunchy" moms do those things or partly. They almost all drive Volvos though. Lol. I'm crunchy for my family though. Since my family is sort of redneck.

    Really driving a Volvo is crunchy??
  • For my area I'm not super crunchy. Sure I CD, babywear, coslept, ate my placenta, do amber necklaces, and use more natural things. However, I don't drive a Volvo, I use mostly conventional stuff, and I take my kidsto a normal pedi and vaccinate. All the "crunchy" moms do those things or partly. They almost all drive Volvos though. Lol. I'm crunchy for my family though. Since my family is sort of redneck.
    Really driving a Volvo is crunchy??
    It's kind of a joke/observation. All the crunchy people around here either drive a Volvo XC 70, XC 60, XC90 or a Prius/Leaf. I kid you not. Going to Central Market or the Farmer's Market is like a lake of Volvo's.
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  • I'm crunchy in some ways an not in others.  I CD, but will probably formula feed again.  I keep baby in the room with me, but in a rnp.  We eat all organic foods, local, no GMO, gluten/dairy free.  But that is allergies driven.  I used to own a hybrid car, but now I prefer safety over crunchy earth goodness.  I had to lol while reading the crappy scale.  We do keep elderberry on hand, but damn sign us up for the flu shot.  lol.  And yes we have an indoor grow room to grow our own veggies and stuff.  But* tv, IPAD....bring it on.  We can and dehydrate food, but homeschool?  never. 

    I honestly have never considered myself crunchy or otherwise.  We just do what works for us. 
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  • I'm crunchy for my family though. Since my family is sort of redneck.

    This. My family thinks I'm a big hippie but I probably wouldn't even place on the crunchy scale. I am, however, just getting started!
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  • Amores0121Amores0121 member
    edited March 2014

    My sister says I'm a hippie now....I'm probably kind of crunchy, but this started before I decided to CD...

    First I read about what was in cow's milk, then I started reading about all the other shit they put in our food. Now we drink almond milk/I buy all meats and eggs from a store that sells food from local farms. However, we still eat out and I buy the other things from the regular store. Though I would say about 70% of our food is organic/natural.

    This led to me making our own laundry soap...fertility issues led to me switching to all natural skin care products. What else? Now CDing.

    My sister teases me all the time about stuff, but I really just like to know what I'm putting in/on my body, and want the best for my family. She also thinks its weird that my soap is made on a farm. I think it's pretty cool.

    ETA: I also make our cleaning supplies, and the ones I don't make are eco-friendly.

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  • I cloth diaper but I can def say I'm no where near crunchy.
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  • Mandmeesh said:
    Whatever. I wear my crunch badge proudly.
    me too.  super crunchy.  Maybe I should take a tumble in my dryer to soften up? 

    or is that a separate issue?
    I'm pretty sure it means you need to take a shower. ;)


  • CD has def put me on the road to more crunchy things! Ergo/Ktan lover, make my own baby food, and now coconut oil addict!
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