Trouble TTC

IUI#3 Sunday / TMI question

IUI #3 scheduled for Sunday !  I had a great response to my first hybrid cycle = ) I have 5 mature follies and will be triggering tonight. Sorry for the TMI.... DH and I are instructed to BD tonight after trigger. We know the drill, but I'm a bit hesitant this time. We did last night and it was so uncomfortable due to the size of my ovaries. My RE is confident that I will not overstim, but my ovaries are enlarged because of all the other follies, too. Is it necessary to BD tonight? I don't want to ruin any chances, but I imagine it being even more uncomfortable than yesterday! 


Re: IUI#3 Sunday / TMI question

  • You don't have to, since you BD last night. As long as you've BD or whatever ;) 2-5 days before IUI, you're fine. My RE always instructs us to BD the same evening of the IUI as well.
    **All welcome**
     Me: 33 Hypothyroid, HBP, Low Vit D Anemic, Stage 2 Adrenal failure. Unexplained Infertility
    DH: 33 Cancer survivor 
    Married Dec. 2007
    10/2013 Clomid, bfn
    10/2013 HSG, all clear
    11/2013 Clomid, bfn. Cyst burst.
    IUI #1 - 12/31/2013  Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #2 - 1/31/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #3 - 2/22/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN.
    IUI #4 - 3/24/2014 Femara, Ovidrel - BFN
    IVF Summer 2014 -Cancelled!
    Natural BFP 5/28! Beta: 545.
    1st ultrasound 6/18 - one bean!

    BabyFruit Ticker
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