Single Parents

i had a baby...

Born 2/4/14, Emersyn Paige. 8lbs 1oz, 20.75".  She's already broken 10lbs and outgrown all newborn clothes in just one month.  Breastfeeds like a champ.  Cries all day but gives me 2 four hour blissful stretches of sleep at night, which is a great trade off for crying all day in my opinion.  BD comes to see her sporadically (usually texts the whole time...ugh).  Already in a whirlwind mess of paternity testing and child support hearings, but seriously in heaven with this LO. 

Re: i had a baby...

  • Congrats, she's beautiful!
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  • Shes beautful! Congrats! Id been wondering how you were doing. Hope the crying gets better
  • eg214eg214 member
    My LO was crying ALL THE TIME and I cut out dairy and feed her like a cow. I thought she was just fighting sleep (which she still does from time to time) but turns out she wanted more boob. Lots of luck.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • @eg214 thank you! the ped said it is likely a growth spurt as she is feeding CONSTANTLY. I've been reading about dairy affecting the baby and that's my next step, once I finish this gallon of milk in the fridge. :)  I just hate that she is crying and I can't fix it.  Heartbreaking!  She has just started to make really solid eye contact, too, so she will give me this teary stare and it kills me! 
  • eg214eg214 member
    Yep yep @emeraldcity84. This was me all over the place. Her two weeks was a horrible growth spurt where she was cluster feeding all the time. I hear they have another around a month and mine is 1 month 5 days and is just starting it so anyway...letting them at the boob all the time is helpful along with the burping. Oh and my Midwives said try putting her down during her usual sleep times BEFORE she gets too tired. Works like a charm as well.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • klvklv member
  • What a beautiful baby!! Congrats. You are super lucky for that sleep at night. I'm lucky my kids do that now finally (they are 17m and 3 lol)
  • Congrats! She is absolutely beautiful!!!
  • I am dead from the cute! Congratulations, mama!


  • Oh, she's gorgeous. Congratulations! I hope everything sorts itself out for you soon!

    Single Mummy-To-Be | TTC January 2014 | Natural IUI with DS March 2014: Resulted in BFN | Natural IUI with DS April 2014: Positive! | EDD 10th January 2015

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