Trouble TTC

~*~3T Grad Check In~*~

Happy Thursday, Grads!

Come on in and tell is how you are doing. As always we love to see pics of babies, bumps, and anything else you want to share.

QOTW: Are you planning to share the baby's name with others before he/she is born or keep it a secret?

**************SIGGY WARNING**************


Me 32 :: DH 41

 TTC since November, 2011

DH's SA : Excellent

Lap and Hysteroscopy June 2012

DX: PCOS, Stage III Endo, slight Adenomyosis, blocked tube, and probable LPD

Treatments:  6 Months Lupron Depot injections; 1500 mg metformin; 3 cycles of Clomid + TI = BFN

3 endometrial biopsies all were "out of phase" 

September - December, 2013:  Break to lose weight and get healthy

40 lb weight loss but still not ovulating "in phase"  

February - March 2014: bcps + follistim + trigger + TI = BFP

 Beta #1 (12dpo): 30; Beta #2 (18dpo): 500; Beta #3 (25dpo): 7,000!!! 

1st u/s 4/16: One beautiful hb at 144 bmp 

2nd u/s 4/29: hb at 166 bmp.  Graduated from RE!!


Baby girl arrived on Thanksgiving day weighing 7lbs 6oz and measuring 20 inches


Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Re: ~*~3T Grad Check In~*~

  • Loading the player...
  • This gives me hope! Thanks for sharing, ladies!
    Love 2010 | Marriage 2011 | TTC #1 since 2012
    PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole
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