
The Romeikes get to stay in the US.

Have any of you been following this case?  Apparently after saying they had to go back to Germany a few days ago, it was decided that they get to stay!

Re: The Romeikes get to stay in the US.

  • I saw that.  I'd like to know the catch.  One thing I can think of is they didn't want to deal with an uproar of a natural born citizen being deported. One loophole for deportation later is as long as they are law abiding citizens.  I'm not sure exactly how strict the government is going to be with that, but what if they get a speeding ticket, is that going to be enough for them to be sent back?  While I'm not sure if I agree with their claim being asylum (they didn't come because their lives were at stake), I do think that they should be allowed to stay.

    GSx1 - 05/13/2013
    GSx2 for T&B - EDD 6/21/2015 - They're having a GIRL!

  • That's pretty miraculous!
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