Cloth Diapering

~~Preggie Pact/TTC Check In~~

Since @stoneycakes is a lazy bum for not posting yet...

What's up TTC ladies?

As always, post BFPs in the grads thread, not here.
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Re: ~~Preggie Pact/TTC Check In~~

  • Pretty sure I'm gearing up to O. I am taking a break from ovulation tests this cycle since in all reality I would prefer not having a baby with the same birthday as my first, but were aren't particularly TTA at the moment either.

    I'm kind of in the boat right now of 'it's not like I'll end up pregnant anyways' but I'm just a cynic.
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  • Well AF showed her face today.  Explains why I have been eating all.the.things.  One more month of NTNP and then we'll officially be trying.  Yay! Eek! You know. All that.

    ITK I totally get the wanting to avoid the same birth month as your other kid(s).  I was not nearly as disappointed when AF came as I thought I would be because D is a Nov. bday.  So there's that.

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  • CLLDLL said:

    Well AF showed her face today.  Explains why I have been eating all.the.things.  One more month of NTNP and then we'll officially be trying.  Yay! Eek! You know. All that.

    ITK I totally get the wanting to avoid the same birth month as your other kid(s).  I was not nearly as disappointed when AF came as I thought I would be because D is a Nov. bday.  So there's that.

    Yes! I think I will be disappointed still because omfgiwantababyrightnow, but relieved because we are on track to have a due date about two days off from A's birthday if we get KU this cycle. I already stress enough around A's birthday, I'd rather avoid the whole shebang, but also not enough to actively TTA and kick myself months down the road. Although, (I may be biased but) November babies are the best. :)
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Dd started walking a lot last weekend, so it made dh get baby fever as well! So I think I am going to go on the clomid now in May instead of August.
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