I don't have any questions, I just had a tough case of back to work blues and wanted to share. My LO is 4 month old this week and I will be returning to work in 3 weeks. I feel lucky to have a long bonding time and I have an understanding manager who supports new moms. So I talked to manager about my return to work day and schedule etc yesterday. I knew this was always the plan and I didn't feel too sad. Then at night as I was putting LO to sleep, I suddenly realized I do not have many days left with her where I can hold her and comfort her to naps and sleeps and I broke down and cried. Then I started thinking about how quickly she is growing and changing and how I will miss her moments, and then there was no stopping tears. I ended up keeping her in our bed last night just for my emotional comfort. I know many mamas have returned to work and had these feelings, and it must get easier. I just think those who have gone through this and have returned to work are amazing and I hope I can get there.

Re: Back to work blues
Congrats for you all for making it back to work and surviving the transition~
it's going to be tough and yes enjoy your time now, this is my first week back. the first few days weren't as bad as I expected but yesterday and today got harder bc I think reality is hitting me that i'm going to have to leave him for work for many many more days.
others have done it and we can too just have to get through it and enjoy them once we are home
I've learned to totally maximize the time at home at night - I cook fast meals - grocery shop online - etc... you get into the swing of things and it all gets better I promise!
@Ihotkami, what you've said is absolutely true. it was a huge change of my life style from what it had been and I felt so out of place being at work. but this week is little better than last week and I am trying not to force myself to get used to things. DD is doing well and she is all smiles when I get back to her which somehow makes everything ok and gives me the oomph to go out to work the next day