
DHEA and/or CoQ10

Hi there, does anyone have experience with DHEA and/or CoQ10?  My IVF cycle was cancelled last month and my doctor recommended I take DHEA and CoQ10 for two cycles and then try IVF again on the 3rd cycle.  The side effects from DHEA and/or CoQ10 are more unpleasant than Lupron, Follistim, and Menopur were and, given that there isn't an expansive set of research out there on DHEA and CoQ10, I'm starting to doubt whether they are worth taking.  Does anyone else have any experience with them?  Any experience dealing with unpleasant side effects from them?


Re: DHEA and/or CoQ10

  • I tried them and didn't really notice a whole lot of side effects and it was all for nothing. They didn't help my egg quality or anything.
    Me 34 and DH 39 married in aug. 2002
    Did 5 round of clomid 2010 =BFN
     High levels of NK CELLS DX sept.2012 DOR:# 0.02 
    IVF #1 May 2012  ER 4, EF 2, ET 2 =BFN
    MINI IVF Oct.2012  Cancelled 10-27-12
    Ivf #3 Antagonist Protocol April 2013
    Shared cycle..Donor cycled in July Got 12 eggs 9 fertilized and 8 frozen!!
    DE FET #1 Sept. 3rd 2013 FIRST BFP EVER 5dp5dt
    miscarried Sept 24th at 5 weeks 5 days
    Etopic  D&C and hysterscopy Nov 5 2013
    dx with pre genetic blood clotting dec 2013
    FET #2 Jan 31st  2014 
    Miscarried for a second time again at 5 weeks 5 days
    Currently fostering to adopt an amazing little 1 year old boy..P.J!
    FET#3  is Oct 29th 2014
    BFN on fet #3
    Last and FINAL FET coming JAN 28th 2015
    Everyone Welcome

  • jlr96jlr96 member
    I took both CoQ10 (actually Ubiquinol) & DHEA & didn't have any side effects at all.  I know several ladies on here take CoQ10 & my RE recommended I do the DHEA as well.  I read somewhere to make sure your DHEA is micronized as it has less effects.  I was on 25 mg three times a day.  Good luck!

    Me (36) - LOR, DH (34) - MFI (low count & poor motility)

    TTC since 01/2012

    11/2012-04/2013 Unmonitored Clomid cycles through OB/GYN; Referred to RE

    05/2013-Benched due to cyst

    06/2013 - Clomid 50 mg + HCG Trigger + TI = BFN

    07/2013 - Clomid 50 mg + HCG Trigger + IUI #1 = BFN

     08/2013 - Clomid 50 mg + HCG Trigger + IUI #2 = BFN

    09/2013 - Benched for lap & hysteroscopy (Stage II Endo Removed)

    10/2013 - Menopur + HCG Trigger + IUI #3 = BFN

    11/2013 - Menopur + HCG Trigger + IUI #4 = BFN

     12/2013 - Clomid + HCG Trigger + IUI #5 = BFN

    2/2014 - IVF #1 - Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol - 5R/4M/4F w/ICSI; 2 embies transferred on day 3 (none to freeze)

    2/27/14 - First BFP Ever!!!  EDD 11/3/14








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  • I am on both right now and do not have any side effects.  Mid cycle so I will  let you know if it helped with quality.
    TTC 2007
    Me-OK DH- MFI
    2010 IUI 1-3 Femara + Ovidrill BFN
    Change DR 5/12 IUI 4-5 Natural Cycle BFN
    5/13 DH diagnosed with b1/b3 microdeletion of Y chromosome
    IVF #1 July  Started Lupron 7/5 AF 7/14
    ER 8/1 7R 5M 3F W/ICSI ET 8/6 Moved to 8/7 due to no blast 
    Transferred our UNO embryo Beta #1 27 Beta #2 33 Beta #3 29 CP :(
    IVF #2 Started Lupron 2/14 
    Protocol 10U Lupron, 150 Bravelle, 150 Menopur, HGH for 4 days, Dexamethesone, 
    Supplements 6000mg CoQ10, 100mg DHEA, Vitamin D, Folic Acid, 
    ER 3/12 8R 4 able to be injected 2f with ICSI ET 3/15 2 "perfect" textbook Embryos
    2 crinone, estrace, dexamethesone, doxycycline
    BETA #1 3/26 201  BETA #2 3/28 524  BETA #3 4/5 9,876  Ultrasound April 7 Showed TWINs
    April 18 ultrasound Baby A HB 147   Baby B HB 146  Both measuring 7w1d
    Jonathan Daniel received his angel wings July 23, 2014 :( born 9/20/14
    Jackson Thomas was born October 31, 2014 @ 35w 5d

  • I took CoQ10 leading upto and during my first cycle and I was expected to get maybe 4 ok eggs I ended up with 13 eggs, 7 fertilized, and 2 of those made it to Blast and 2 more were good enough to freeze

    since it was my first cycle i can't say it was the CoQ10 - but i had no side effects and the research is really looking positive that it can help

    ***Siggy Warning***
    TTC Since Feb 2011 - HSG Aug 2012 opened 1 tube - Lap Nov 2012 confirmed Endo. 
    May 2013 both tubes blocked by hydrosalpinx. Nov 2013 Essure Placed permanently blocking both tubes

    IVF #1 - Jan/Feb 2014 Patch Protocol - 3 day 5 blasts Frosties - transferred 1 blast BFN 
    FET #1 - May 15 transferred 1 blast - HPT May 22 BFP - Beta #1 May 26 - 578 - Beta #2 May 28 1707
    U/S #1 June 9 6w4d hb 111 - U/S #2 June 17 7w5d HB 156 - EDD Jan 29, 2015

  • Thanks very much Lacyj67, jlr96, ekc0630, lfinTN, and penad5.  Very interesting that you all reported zero side effects.  I'll have to talk with my doctor.  

    Thanks for quick and honest feedback.
  • Both my DH and I take COQ10 and have no side effects at all. I don't have experience with DHEA though. I'm taking it for egg quality and DH is taking it for DNA frag. I don't know if they've helped, but the research is positive from what I've read.

    BabyFruit Ticker

     ttc #2 since 2004 Me (35): Stage 3 Endo, DH (34): High DNA Frag

    IVF/ICSI #2: April 2014: BFP!!!!!!

    ET of 2 great quality embryos. + BFP on 9dp5dt. Beta #1 (10dp5dt): 257, Beta #2 (14dp5dt): 1561,

    Beta #3 (21dp5d5): 8,172. Wow. It seems this is actually working. Shocked beyond belief.

    1st u/s @6w5d: Baby A hb 124, Baby B hb 127 (Both measuring perfectly!)

    Lost baby A. Praying that baby B stays healthy. Baby B hb 175 at 11 weeks

    It's a GIRL!!!




    My Blog

  • I am on both right now in prep for my next cycle in June - 75mg on DHEA and 200 of COQ10
  • Beachy6 and cherylanne3550, thanks very much for your feedback.  Much appreciated.  
  • SKLHSKLH member
    I took Ubiquinol (coq10 in active form) and had 9 blasts. My previous RE didn't grow my embies to day 5 so I can't tell if it was "normal" for me or not but I was SUPER happy with 9. I say it's worth it to stick it out. I never noticed ANY side effects, it was like I wasn't on anyting at all...
    Me (28) DH (32)  Endometriosis                                                                                   IVF  #1 (1/2013) - 17 Retrieved, 16 Mature, 14 Fertilized- 2 transferred- BFN
    FET #1 (7/2013) - 2 embryos - BFN
    FET #2 (9/2013) - 2 emrbyos - BFN
    New RE. Fresh Start
    IVF  #2 (2/2014) - 25 Retrieved, 19 Mature, 16 Fertilized, 9 blasts.
                                 CGH Testing: 6 Normal
    FET #3 (4/2014) -1 embryo -  BFP! Beta#1: 35 Beta #2: 16 :(
    FET #4 (5/2014) -1 embryo -  BFP! Beta#1: 321!!! Beta #2: 727.9!
    6/5/2014 Heartbeat! 144bpm It's a girl!
    Due January!

  • Thanks SKLH.
  • I have never used the DHEA but I have used COQ10 with absolute no side effects. It worked great during my ivf cycle. I had 24 eggs retrieved and 19 of them fertilized. I am no spring chicken..36 yrs old and Dh 42. It works to improve egg health but it was in I believe older woman. The egg has 200 times more mitochondria then any other cell in the body. Mitochondria is said to deteriorate in eggs as woman age. COQ10 improves the mitochondria. Mitochondria is like a spark plug to every cell in our body. I read a lot about it before taking it and preparing for ivf. I still ended up with a bfn but 14 eggs made it to 5 day blast and 12 are now currently frozen. I strongly believe that it was due to the COQ10 that they all did great in making it to blast. Not saying it will work for everyone but I feel it definitely worked for me. And I would do it again in a heart beat if I had to. I feel like it helped turn back the hands of time a few years on my reproductive system. Now the goal is to successfully get a little one out of the 12 to work.
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