Baby Names

Instagram names

While browsing through Instagram, I came across these gems.. boy/girl twins that will be named Kristian (boy) and Dior (girl). Yikes.

Re: Instagram names

  • I don't know about Dior but Kristian is a legit form of Christian. It's not bad but I think that it may be interpreted as a you-neek spelling.
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  • Yes, Kristian is fine.. by itself. But, being paired with a sister named Dior is what makes it lame... Mom is clearly naming them after the famous designer, Christian Dior.
  • Hmmm...I'm not into fashion so I didn't pick up on it. I agree that it makes it a silly sib set.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Zimger said:
    Hmmm...I'm not into fashion so I didn't pick up on it. I agree that it makes it a silly sib set.

    Yeah, it's the cheesy pairing that makes it so bad. 


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  • That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

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