May 2013 Moms

We're getting out of here!!!

kelseyhhkelseyhh member
edited March 2014 in May 2013 Moms
Well, the doctor has finally given us the okay to go home!!

Emmett will still be on oxygen at home for naps and night time sleep but it is so much better than staying in here. He still has a wheeze, but the nurses say that it is improving every day. Hopefully he won't need the oxygen more than a week or two.

From here we are trying to get into an ENT and Pulmonologist at Children's Hospital due to his frequent illnesses and slight retractions when he breathes. Hopefully everything will check out fine, but if not, at least we will have some answers.

Thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers, and words of encouragement. Knowing that so many people out there are pulling for him is amazing. You ladies truly are wonderful!
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