So I had a girls night with a bunch of my friends the other night and it was awkward to say the least. One of my girlfriends is a bit of a pregzilla.
I try really hard to not let her get to me, but it is so hard! Although we have only known each other for almost two years, she has been a listening ear to our 3T woes. So when she conceived on the first try, I thought that she would be sensitive to our feelings. Long story short she isn't and she is becoming slightly unbearable!
Here is a recap of the most recent Throat Punch moment:
We all went to Chili's, and she actually complained that I was having a margarita and she could not. She was like I want to snatch that margarita right out of your hands and drink it! It was a "if you don't have nothing nice to say..." moment, so I just looked at her and took a sip of my marg with a smirk on my face.
I mean please don't complain that you cannot drink because you are pregnant.
***Trigger Warning: Living and loss mentioned***
First TTC Journey:
- Failed attempts at clomid with OB
- HSG with OB, nothing found
- Met with RE. Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy done on 08/04/2014. Results: Hymenal stenosis, minimal endometriosis, and PCOS
- BFP #1: 11/26/2014, IT'S A BOY!
Re: Throat Punch Moment (Preg. mentioned, not mine)
I would have followed that with a "Mmmmmmm this is sooooooooo good!"
Yeah, about 6 people have gotten pregnant in my family recently. Most of them complain about how hard it is to be pregnant. I just want to kill them. One of them doesn't even have the money for a second kid. She refuses to work, and her husband works part time for minimum wage. It's infuriating.
PCOS | Anovulatory | Metformin + Letrozole