Hey ya'll,
I'm a lurker in need of some advice. How did you know when it was time to wean your LO? DS is turning 1 next week, and while I previously thought I'd nurse him well into toddlerhood, I'm kind of feeling like I want to be done. He has been biting me for 6 months, which may have something to do with it. I cut his noontime feeding and he accepted that well.
So how did you know when you were done? Any tips on weaning?
Re: S/O breastfeeding
My advice is to leave the house a lot to distract. Don't sit down on the floor with your LO for too long. Get your DH to do bedtime if your bedtime ritual involves nursing.
Good luck! It will happen eventually. Also, be prepared for your hormones to go haywire before they level off.
ETA: good luck to you - I hope you find something that works for both of you!
ETA2: words
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv