Anyone else in my boat? I'm scared this time around. 1st one was an emergency. 2nd was scheduled as is this one. I have a lot more anxiety than I thought I would...
I'm in the same boat, except the anxiety, but I just feel like I haven't really even thought much about it. Feeling like I should start getting myself organized and put thought into the fact that baby will be here really soon!
Are you anxious about the surgery it's self, recovery, anything specific that happened previously?
I'm having my 3rd c-section very soon, and I'm incredibly excited!! I can't wait to meet this little one! I'm ready to be finished with this pregnancy. I'm looking forward to seeing my other little kids meet their new sibling. I'm looking forward to another little baby, little personality in our home. And a small part of me is looking forward to the tubal, so I can close this 'pregnancy' chapter of my life and move on to raising our three kids and enjoying a different aspect of marriage with my H.
My baby was delivered emergency csection. My recovery was hard from it. I had wanted my kids to be two years apart. That would mean getting pregnant again late summer. The thought of another csection makes me ill. I know the next one will be scheduled. I think I'm going to have to space the kids a little farther apart though. I just can't face another csection so soon.
Just had my third and last 3 weeks ago. Recovery has been textbook but I have had other complications (allergic reactions and strep throat!). I had a rough pregnancy this time so I was nervous about not being completely healthy for my c/s. Luckily it all went smooth! Good luck!
I just had my 3rd C/S 4 weeks ago. Same as you, 1st was emergency and not a good experience at all, 2nd was scheduled and great and this 3rd one was also scheduled and went fine except that it took longer than I expected b/c of all the extra scar tissue from the previous 2. So just be aware that might be your case but everything went fine. I was definitely still anxious about going in but everything during surgery was fine. Recovery went normal. Good luck!!!
Wow, I'm glad I came upon these comments. They were so helpful. I'll be having my third C-section this fall as have been a little nervous but hearing that everyone had successful and delivery's and recovery's really helps put my mind at ease.
Re: 3rd (and final!) C-section in May
Big brother and sister are excited to meet the new baby! It's a GIRL!
~ G ~ 10/2008
~ E ~ 7/2010
Big brother Luke
Little brother Zachary
Wow, I'm glad I came upon these comments. They were so helpful. I'll be having my third C-section this fall as have been a little nervous but hearing that everyone had successful and delivery's and recovery's really helps put my mind at ease.