2nd Trimester

Unfortunately, this is goodbye... *update, edited*

CocoasushiCocoasushi member
edited March 2014 in 2nd Trimester
Sadly, I'll be leaving 2nd trimester and the bump. I would have been 19 weeks tomorrow, and woke up bleeding this morning. My husband and I are in the hospital now awaiting the delivery of our little one who has sadly passed away. You ladies have been great to talk to and have been wonderful mommy company through this pregnancy.

I am ok with what has happened, or as ok as I can be. The ultrasound tech that did the Sonogram this morning said the baby was measuring small and the baby had a thick nuchal fold so there was a genetic defect that was the cause, however I don't know what just yet.

So sadly this is goodbye. Maybe I'll be back one day, only time will tell.

So, the doctor said it looks like the baby had severe spina bifida and hydrocephaly, and that was more than likely what caused the loss. Also, thank you for all of the thoughts and prayers, it truly does mean a lot





                                                             Big Sister Piper

Born at 37 weeks, strong NICU survivor

Friday, November 13th, 2009, 7:17 AM

Baby Brother Link

 Born sleeping at 19 weeks with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus

Sunday, March 2nd, 2014, 7:27 PM



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