
Intro and a Menopur question, please help ((loss mentioned))

LizBlueLizBlue member
edited March 2014 in Infertility
Hi all,

I normally post on TTCAL but have been lurking here for awhile too.  My name is Liz and I am going through IVF#1 after six unsuccessful IUIs and one missed m/c from a spontaneous pregnancy.  My protocol is lupron (10 units, just reduced to 5 when I started stims), Follistim (375 units) and now Menopur.

I am on day 4 of stimming and just got results of my b/w.  My E2 is at 262 and the nurse called and said to start Menopur tonight --150 and to reduce follistim to 225.  After we got off the phone, I realized that one vial of Menopur is 75.  She repeated 150 twice, so I'm assuming she means to take two vials of Menopur-but my IVF nurse had never mentioned that as a possibility.  I called and left a message to clarify so hopefully she calls back soon.  Just wondering if anyone here has had a dosage of more than one vial of Menopur.

My other question--will my menopur dosage eventually go down?  If not, I will run out of menopur in five days.  Also, does 375 of follistim seem high for day four of stimming?  Will that go down?  (My follistim went down to 225 but the menopur contains 75 each, so I'm still at 375).

I hope this makes sense.  I'm sorry for the ramble, but I was sitting among a bunch of vials and syringes all confused and realized that there was a whole community of knowledgeable IVF ladies I could reach out to. I am!

I hope to get to know you all.  Thanks for reading this far--much appreciated.
*I am no longer regularly posting on TB because of the fucked up debacle of Jan 2015 when administrators banned long-term members and mods with no notice and completely dismantled a community full of women who cared about each other.  If you see me posting it's only to give support to a poster who needs it or to post something important enough that I need to say.  I am no longer responding to  anything other than issues that affect people who I care about*
37 years old, MH is 42
TTC since 2010; Dx Unexplained Infertility; possible male factor 
August 2012 through June 2013:  6 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot, all BFNs
7/2013, Pregnant! Unmedicated--we were on a treatment break
8/20/13 no heart beat; 8/23/13 d&c
3/15/14 IVF #1:  Lupron/Follistim/Menopur; ER 3/10 resulting in four transfer grade blastocysts, transferred one pretty blast and froze the remaining three. BFN. 
Natural FET in May cancelled because the universe hates me my hormones were not cooperating.
6/24/14 FET #1: transferred two pretty embryos; BFN   
8/28/14 FET #2: BFP, ended in Chemical pregnancy

Done with medical intervention and getting used to the idea of CFNBC.  

All welcome

Re: Intro and a Menopur question, please help ((loss mentioned))

  • Hey there again lol - I know I just replied to you over on TTCAL about other stuff :)

    But yes, I am on two vials of Menopur a night right now.  These videos helped me a ton -  Basically you want to reconstitute the new vial with the medicine in vial number 1.  Here is a link specifically to the Menopur one with using a Q cap and subcutaneous injection -,menopur_sq

    Of course I'm not your nurse so I'm hesitant to give guidance but I hope this helps you! Maybe some other ladies can chime in too :)

    dream 1 CAME TRUE 2.13.2010

     <dream 2> 12.2011

     2.10.12 : 4 weeks

    6.17.12 : 10 weeks

    10.10.12 : 4 weeks, 6 days

    12.13.12 : 9 weeks, 1 day

    4.6.13 : 4 weeks, 4 days

    10.27.13 : 5 weeks, 6 days

    4.2.14 (IVF #1) : 4 weeks, 1 day

    6.19.14 : IVF #2 Negative

     </dream 2>

    AMA, Diminished Ovarian Reserve, heterozygous MTHFR

    "all it was was a fairytale and devotion to a dream"


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    ***All always welcome!!***

  • Ha - long time no see. Thank you so  much!  My nurse has not yet called back but I've determined that two vials of menopur is not a crazy thing to have been prescribed.  The phone call just went so fast and I am a "check everything 55 times and ask the same question 55 more times to be sure" kind of gal.  Those videos are super helpful. Thank you again.
    *I am no longer regularly posting on TB because of the fucked up debacle of Jan 2015 when administrators banned long-term members and mods with no notice and completely dismantled a community full of women who cared about each other.  If you see me posting it's only to give support to a poster who needs it or to post something important enough that I need to say.  I am no longer responding to  anything other than issues that affect people who I care about*
    37 years old, MH is 42
    TTC since 2010; Dx Unexplained Infertility; possible male factor 
    August 2012 through June 2013:  6 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot, all BFNs
    7/2013, Pregnant! Unmedicated--we were on a treatment break
    8/20/13 no heart beat; 8/23/13 d&c
    3/15/14 IVF #1:  Lupron/Follistim/Menopur; ER 3/10 resulting in four transfer grade blastocysts, transferred one pretty blast and froze the remaining three. BFN. 
    Natural FET in May cancelled because the universe hates me my hormones were not cooperating.
    6/24/14 FET #1: transferred two pretty embryos; BFN   
    8/28/14 FET #2: BFP, ended in Chemical pregnancy

    Done with medical intervention and getting used to the idea of CFNBC.  

    All welcome
  • Loading the player...
  • I was also on 2 vials of Menopur for both cycles.  Sounds like you are going to need to order more meds ASAP.  Good luck. 

    f/k/a/ Kari3629

    Me: 40/DH: 34

    Unexplained IF

    IVF #1 - 9/2013 8ER/5M/4EF/4ET = BFN

    IVF #2 - 2/2014 - Fingers crossed this is the one!

    4ER/3EF/3 "beautiful embryos" transferred - Beta March 7 = BFN :(

    Everyone Welcome!

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  • Thanks @HopefulSoul2 !  
    *I am no longer regularly posting on TB because of the fucked up debacle of Jan 2015 when administrators banned long-term members and mods with no notice and completely dismantled a community full of women who cared about each other.  If you see me posting it's only to give support to a poster who needs it or to post something important enough that I need to say.  I am no longer responding to  anything other than issues that affect people who I care about*
    37 years old, MH is 42
    TTC since 2010; Dx Unexplained Infertility; possible male factor 
    August 2012 through June 2013:  6 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot, all BFNs
    7/2013, Pregnant! Unmedicated--we were on a treatment break
    8/20/13 no heart beat; 8/23/13 d&c
    3/15/14 IVF #1:  Lupron/Follistim/Menopur; ER 3/10 resulting in four transfer grade blastocysts, transferred one pretty blast and froze the remaining three. BFN. 
    Natural FET in May cancelled because the universe hates me my hormones were not cooperating.
    6/24/14 FET #1: transferred two pretty embryos; BFN   
    8/28/14 FET #2: BFP, ended in Chemical pregnancy

    Done with medical intervention and getting used to the idea of CFNBC.  

    All welcome
  • pblgepblge member
    Hi! I've never used Menopur, but I wanted to welcome you to this part of TB. We are the same ages as you. :D

    I will say checking 100X is not a bad thing, because nurses and doctors do make errors!
    **********************siggy/ticker warning**********************

    ***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. :'(  Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen.  => M/C @ 8 wks. :'( Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! :) Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
  • Agree with pp that it is always good to double and triple check, etc.

    It is definitely normal to have more than 75iu for a dose.  On my first cycle I started at 150ius and went up to 300ius (4 vials).  I definitely had to order more Menopur as well.  I would ask your RE or nurse how much more they think you should order based on your dosage, where you are and how much you have left.  

    And yes, you can also go down - this last cycle I started at 300ius but then went down to 150ius on my last day of stims.  They often adjust the dosages based on your E2, follicle sizes, etc.

    Good luck!
    ***signature/ticker warning***
    Me:37 DH:39
    TTC#1 since 3/2012

    Diagnosis : Unexplained Infertility

    3 BFN rounds Clomid + IUI
    IVF 1 - BFN, 1 Frozen
    IVF 2 - BFN, 5 Frozen
    FET 1 - BFP!!! EDD 1/24/15 Beta 1: 700, Beta 2: 2,156; 1st U/S 6w3d: HB 118bpm, 2nd U/S 9w3d: HB 171bpm

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • ****siggy warning****

    I was on 150 units (= 2 vials) of Menopur during stims. My doses were never changed during stims, but lots of ladies have had dosage adjustments during the process.  I did have to order more Menopur during stims b/c I had enough for 10 doses, but stimmed for 11 doses.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hi Liz - Everyone has already talked to you about using two vials of Menopur and ordering more...but you also asked about the high dose of Follistim.  It really depends on your Dx.  If they want you on higher doses because you are AMA, or your response rate on meds for your past IUIs.  That's why it's so hard to compare with others.  Even if we're the same age, our reaction might be different.  I don't remember without pulling out paperwork, but I believe I was on 150 Follistim and 150 menopur most days.  But that's not to say yours is high, or mine was low.  It's just what they felt was needed based on my previous response rate for my injects IUIs.  

    TTC since July 2009. Dx MFI & LPD. 
    IUI#1&2&3 (2011 & 2012) BFN
    IUI#4 1/23/13 on 75iu x9 Follistim = BFP then chem preg m/c (Feb 2013)
    IUI#5 BFN (April 2013)
    IVF w/ICSI Oct. 2, 2012 - 13R, 11M, 7F, 1 frozen blast 4BB grade - - - FET Nov 15, 2013
    BFP! Beta 1:104 @ 10dp6dt, Beta 2:178 @ 12dp6dt,  beta 3:366 @ 14dp6dt
    Saw heartbeat twice before missed M/C at 8w3d on 12/27/13, missing my little angel boy
    JUNE 2014 IVF#2;  5R, 2M, 1F Three day transfer 6/7.  Beta 6/18 - BFN
    Child Free Now?

    My Blog


  • Thank you all for your input. Totally helpful. I will be calling my IVF nurse tomorrow since the on all nurse never returned my call. But I do feel comfortable using the two vials tonight.

    Looks like I need to reorder more Menopur. Which means more money. Yay. :/
    *I am no longer regularly posting on TB because of the fucked up debacle of Jan 2015 when administrators banned long-term members and mods with no notice and completely dismantled a community full of women who cared about each other.  If you see me posting it's only to give support to a poster who needs it or to post something important enough that I need to say.  I am no longer responding to  anything other than issues that affect people who I care about*
    37 years old, MH is 42
    TTC since 2010; Dx Unexplained Infertility; possible male factor 
    August 2012 through June 2013:  6 IUIs with clomid and trigger shot, all BFNs
    7/2013, Pregnant! Unmedicated--we were on a treatment break
    8/20/13 no heart beat; 8/23/13 d&c
    3/15/14 IVF #1:  Lupron/Follistim/Menopur; ER 3/10 resulting in four transfer grade blastocysts, transferred one pretty blast and froze the remaining three. BFN. 
    Natural FET in May cancelled because the universe hates me my hormones were not cooperating.
    6/24/14 FET #1: transferred two pretty embryos; BFN   
    8/28/14 FET #2: BFP, ended in Chemical pregnancy

    Done with medical intervention and getting used to the idea of CFNBC.  

    All welcome
  • Welcome friend!! I am so glad to see you over here. I did 2 vial of Menopur pretty much the whole time I was stimming. I just wanted to drop in tell you good luck and that you have a PM.
    ******************** BFP Warning *******************
    I'm 29 and DH is 32 we have a MFI (low count) 
    IVF #1 starting in August. ER 9/5/13 23 eggs we are fertilizing 15. 9 frozen
    ET 9/10 - transferred 1 perfect 5AA blast
    7dp5dt BFP ~~ Beta on 9/19 - 77.4 Beta #2 on 9/21 - 357
    Low heartbeat on 10/7 86, lower heartbeat on 10/11 76, no heartbeat 10/14/13. D&C 10/15/13
    Tests revealed MTHFR c677t mutation, put on Folgard.
    FET #1 1/6/14 - 4BB blast - BFN
    FET #2 - 3/3/14 - 5AB Blast -- Beta #1 3/12 - 152 -- Beta #2 3/14 - 358
    FET #3 06/09/16 - 5AB Blast - Beta #1 6/18- 245 -- Beta #2 06/20 - 600
     PAIF/SAIF/PAL/SAL welcome!

  • I started on 2 vials of menopur day 5 and 6 and then went up to 3 vials day 7. I'm on 300 iu of follistim and that one hasn't changed this time nor did it last time. I will also run out of menopur soon and realized through my last cycle, that I had to be proactive about telling them/ordering more in time! Oops!
    Good luck!
    "Will you be my Valentine?" 2/14/2004 "Will you marry me?" 7/4/2008 "Wanna get a cat?" 7/4/2010 TTC #1 since 2/2011 Me: 28 DH: 29 2 Cycles Femera, 4 IUIs, IVF#1 (BNF), IVF#2 (BFN).


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