March 2012 Moms

If you are caught in this winter storm...

stay warm n safe, even down here in Texas it's turned bloody cold  quick...and icey rain with thunder n lightning and a touch of sleet.  So much for our first family vacation .. we were supposed to be heading north last night but the weather killed that idea. 

stay safe ladies.. time to dig out all the indoor fun ideas again to amuse the munchkins,,  :)
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Re: If you are caught in this winter storm...

  • Bummer! Hope you get to take a make-up vacation soon.
  • WipzWipz member
    Thanks .. but probably not anytime soon.  Work is a mess and impending layoffs/ job switches for some of our team,, anytime between now and Christmas ...... and finances and all that good stuff.

    . My vacation was traded for catching up on long over due chores, a migraine and a kamakaze kid who tripped and smacked his head off the corner of the bed frame.. only one more day of Vacation..what else can go wrong before I go back to work? lol
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  • Oh no! That sucks. :( Hope little Dom is ok and mama has recovered from the migraine.
  • WipzWipz member
    He is fine.. looks worse than it is.. so far as I can tell no signs of concussion and as crazy as ever.  he is currently feeding daddy his spicy chicken and dumplings.. but daddy keeps getting the empty spoons lol
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