Single Parents

Screw It Saturday

Taking Minnesota's lead....

They have amazing consignment sales here twice a year. One of them is today and I was determined to try to get to it. Scrambled around getting us ready and praying to God we could just get 10 minutes in so I could try to get her a jumperoo. Drove 25 min, parked, took her snowsuit thing off, & attempted twice to get her into the stupid ass ktan baby wrap and it just was a big clusterfuck as usual so put her back in her car seat and drove back home. Sick and fucking tired of not being able to do anything. I have no $$$ so I need these sales for things. I cant afford a jumperoo/exersaucer nor a new type of carrier. At these sales, I'd get both for under $50. I got 75% of her baby stuff from these sales for $130 total. Theres another one in two weeks and I'm praying to God my dad will be able to come up and go with us before we head down to Florida. Anyway, then she screamed her head off the whole way hold her breath freak me out scream. It was delightful.

PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014

Re: Screw It Saturday

  • eg214eg214 member
    Also screw it we are supposed to get snow Monday. I love it but being single and having a baby makes it damn near impossible to shovel your car and her one month appt is Monday. Fml.

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
  • Awe im sorry.

    Bfs roommate decided to blare music while in the shower directley below the boys room. Where my kid was sleeping. Bf and i still havent had sex and im wound tight with hormones. I need sex.
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  • eg214 said: Also screw it we are supposed to get snow Monday. I love it but being single and having a baby makes it damn near impossible to shovel your car and her one month appt is Monday. Fml. Oh, honey. I was so there right after DS was born. It sounds cliché, but it really does get a little better and a little easier as time goes on. I definitely drove places and had to turn right back around on multiple occasions. DS was super clingy, and needed almost constant nursing and snuggles for
    months before I was able to make two stops in one outing. Being a single mom of a newborn is brutal. Hell, being any kind of mom of a newborn is brutal. It really is like Mommy Boot Camp, and once you're past that first newborn stage, you'll realize what you're capable of. You're just in the thick of it right now. 

    FX that you'll make it to the next sale in 2 weeks. **creepy internet hugs**  Hang in there! 


  • I cant wait to see thor!
  • Soon to be ex now wants to try separation. Why didn't he agree to this before things went so far. And why am I not strong enough to say no. This is so unhealthy. I need to say screw you we are out of here!
    @eg214 whereabouts do you live? I have an ergo and jumperoo for sale...
  • @Mrslynnyd im sorry that your bd being hard on you. I have to say trust your gut and do what you think is best for you and your lo
  • eg214eg214 member
    @mrslynnyd Im in VA. A friend ended up giving me their used jumperoo today but I'd be interested in your Ergo. Pm me and let me know details. I'm sure you could ship it!

    PCOS // Loss 3/2010 // Single Mom // Natural Birth // DC Metro // Baby Girl Born 2/2/2014
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