LO is 2.5yrs old, we just had our second 2wks ago and LO1 has been day trained for just under a month, so not terribly long unfortunately but was great about telling us when he needed to go and even went on his own a handful of times. The first week home LO1 did fine, however for the past week he's refused to sit on the potty, and just pees/poops wherever he is.
Do we put him in diapers? We have some for nighttime because he pees in his sleep still. Do we just keep powering through and eventually he'll go back to the potty? How long does a regression like this usually last?
Re: How long does new sibling PTing regression last?
He wont stop playing to go pee/poop! Its so aggreviating. I partly think its for attention. Dd is getting more mobile & getting more attention. Blahh he just turned 3 which is a handful enough