What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy? Carpal tunnel flared up like a mother and I have to wear my brace 24/7. My hips hurt at night, even with a pillow between my knees, and baaaaad gas.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy. Vent: Standardized testing is ruining our schools. I had to keep 23 2nd graders SILENT and in my classroom ALLLLLLLLL day as the upper grades took a "practice" state test. It's not fair to kids or teachers. The upper grade teachers have been TOLD by the principal to specifically teach TO THE TEST. *sigh*
Happiness: My OB said he would call me if anything looked abnormal with my a/s and I haven't heard from him all week
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy? i get back pain and gas pains. body aches.dry nose and feel cuts inside.
this morning i went to step out of the car and i don't know how but hit my hand on something and i heard a snap and felt sharp pain i'm able to move my wrist but it really hurts which means i'm going to have to wear a support for my wrist for work.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy.
vent: no matter how hard we try to get ahead something has to come and throw a giant wall in front of us. shortly after we found out we were expecting Dh started having problems with light headedness and dizzyness and shortness of breath he got laid off so he could get medical ei while we tried to find out what was wrong. very scary thing as they kept thinking it was soemthing to do with his heart and kept asking if anyone in his family dropped dead at a young age. it took 3 months with all the appontments schedules and specialist tests to find nothing wrong they think his heart is just too strong for his body and he over pushes himself. fast forward he started back at work beginning of feb. now his work has to lay people off because two contracts got pushed back and yep dh was on the dame list. they don't know how long it will be for. Dh is lucky he has a seasonal job he did last year he is able to do again this year but it doesn't start till april. I just started working my jobs and am trying to get all my bills caught up and paying onto my student loans. I'm also worried because our lease is up july 7th which gives the landlord the ability to raise the rent which our house is not worth a penny more ( too many things wrong with it). so now i'm worried we are going to have to find a new house to rent while i'm 9 months pregnant and move with a newborn and a dog and the place has to be affordable and fit our needs which around here is very few. Then this winter our car decides to screw up and is acting weird we took it to our mechanic and he says its just one sensor thats messed up ut not worth the money to replace till the rest of the thing its in is gone. we also ended up in a ditch last week..... I just need to be given a break enough with the dame lemons life we need some light some help. sorry it was soo long.
1 makes me happy is how much dh is getting more involved with the baby and wanting to talk with it and play and touch the belly as well as inputting his ideas. We find out next week the sex of the baby and are both really excited. I'm very lucky to have my Dh in my life whenever things get to hard he's always there for me/us we both help each other by saying we have been through it before and always made is work out we can do it again he's amazing. He has also become more protective of me i find.
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy? Every so often I get a little siatic pain but not often enough to complain.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy. Vent: I hate having to pee in the middle of middle of the night. I don't open my eyes, it is too cold to get out from under the covers, and then its impossible to go back to sleep Happy: I get to find out what my little nugget is on Sunday ) very exciting!!!!
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy? My right hip is no longer staying in socket which doesn't work when I have to chase after a toddler.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy. Vent: DS has entered the terrible twos six months early and I'm too tired to constantly stop him from doing things like climbing on the couch and running across it. I ask DH to help with "reprimanding" DS so I'm not the one who is always doing it, but I'm still the only one who gets onto him for doing things that are not ok.
Happy: DS randomly comes up to me and gives me a huge hug and says love you then lifts my shirt up just over my belly and says baby which melts my heart.
How many weeks? Fruit/veg? 21 weeks, a pomegranate, I think.
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy? My bump hurts. I've been coughing up a storm for the last few weeks and the muscles in my abdomen are sore.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy. Vent: I really want a night out with DH, but I feel guilty calling my brother up to watch DD just for that, since I haven't seen him in a few weeks.
Happy: DH brought home Wendy's last night after his reffing gig, and he shared his fries with me and even gave me a few bites of his hamburger. Seriously. Made my week.
Week/fruit: I'm 22 weeks and baby is the size of a papaya!
There haven't been any aches or pains from pregnancy but for some reason my left leg is pretty sore. It's odd
Hmm no vents today either but something that makes me happy is a nice long soak in the bathtub with music playing and candles everywhere. That sounds heavenly right about now.
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy? My hips are killing me because this baby is sooooo low. I also have to pee every five seconds for the very same reason. Headaches and gas. Booo.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy. My boss is driving me nuts this week. I am over halfway done, which is actually bittersweet. I don't enjoy being pregnant but since this baby is most likely our last I am also sad to know I've only got 19 weeks left to keep this baby just for me.
Re: ~* Friday Ticker Change *~
21 weeks, pomegranate
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy?
Carpal tunnel flared up like a mother and I have to wear my brace 24/7. My hips hurt at night, even with a pillow between my knees, and baaaaad gas.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy.
Vent: Standardized testing is ruining our schools. I had to keep 23 2nd graders SILENT and in my classroom ALLLLLLLLL day as the upper grades took a "practice" state test. It's not fair to kids or teachers. The upper grade teachers have been TOLD by the principal to specifically teach TO THE TEST. *sigh*
Happiness: My OB said he would call me if anything looked abnormal with my a/s and I haven't heard from him all week
19 weeks Mango!!
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy?
i get back pain and gas pains. body aches.dry nose and feel cuts inside.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy.
How many weeks? Fruit/veg?
21 weeks, pomegranate
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy?
Every so often I get a little siatic pain but not often enough to complain.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy.
Vent: I hate having to pee in the middle of middle of the night. I don't open my eyes, it is too cold to get out from under the covers, and then its impossible to go back to sleep
Happy: I get to find out what my little nugget is on Sunday ) very exciting!!!!
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy? My right hip is no longer staying in socket which doesn't work when I have to chase after a toddler.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy. Vent: DS has entered the terrible twos six months early and I'm too tired to constantly stop him from doing things like climbing on the couch and running across it. I ask DH to help with "reprimanding" DS so I'm not the one who is always doing it, but I'm still the only one who gets onto him for doing things that are not ok.
Happy: DS randomly comes up to me and gives me a huge hug and says love you then lifts my shirt up just over my belly and says baby which melts my heart.
21 weeks, a pomegranate, I think.
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy?
My bump hurts. I've been coughing up a storm for the last few weeks and the muscles in my abdomen are sore.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy.
Vent: I really want a night out with DH, but I feel guilty calling my brother up to watch DD just for that, since I haven't seen him in a few weeks.
Happy: DH brought home Wendy's last night after his reffing gig, and he shared his fries with me and even gave me a few bites of his hamburger. Seriously. Made my week.
There haven't been any aches or pains from pregnancy but for some reason my left leg is pretty sore. It's odd
Hmm no vents today either but something that makes me happy is a nice long soak in the bathtub with music playing and candles everywhere. That sounds heavenly right about now.
How many weeks? Fruit/veg? 20 weeks and a banana!
What are your current aches and pains from pregnancy? My hips are killing me because this baby is sooooo low. I also have to pee every five seconds for the very same reason. Headaches and gas. Booo.
1 vent and 1 something that's making you happy. My boss is driving me nuts this week. I am over halfway done, which is actually bittersweet. I don't enjoy being pregnant but since this baby is most likely our last I am also sad to know I've only got 19 weeks left to keep this baby just for me.