I try really hard to stay hydrated, and from what I've read, you should drink 8 8oz glasses of fluid a day. According to the weight to water calculations, I should be drinking at least a gallon of water a day..and before pregnancy, I never had a problem drinking that.
Now, I'm lucky if I don't have trouble forcing 3 8oz glasses of water, or anything else, down me. I just never feel thirsty, and it's hard to force myself to drink. Anyone else, or is it just me?
Re: Anyone else having trouble with fluid intake?
I always plan on drinking but never do
Now I am just thirsty all the time and I feel like the girl from Signs, leaving glasses of water all over the place. I keep telling my DH that I'm getting ready for the aliens; and he finally asked me what the hell I was talking about. Turns out he never saw the movie.