2nd Trimester

Anyone else having trouble with fluid intake?

I try really hard to stay hydrated, and from what I've read, you should drink 8 8oz glasses of fluid a day. According to the weight to water calculations, I should be drinking at least a gallon of water a day..and before pregnancy, I never had a problem drinking that. 

Now, I'm lucky if I don't have trouble forcing 3 8oz glasses of water, or anything else, down me. I just never feel thirsty, and it's hard to force myself to drink. Anyone else, or is it just me? 
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Re: Anyone else having trouble with fluid intake?

  • I'm always thirsty.  Especially at night.  I don't think I was this thirsty at 14 weeks though so maybe it's something that will change for you yet?

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  • I also hate drinking water and have read so many articles about how important it is to be hydrated. I spend more time staring at my water thinking about it than drinking it :(
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  • I have the same problem!  I'm a choir teacher so I'm used to drinking water all the time to stay hydrated. I never had trouble drinking 8 ounces (or more) each day but since becoming pregnant it's just become harder to drink that much.  :/ I just force myself to.
  • Yup!! I am a teacher. I always have my water bottle with me. I so try to drink three of them a day. Hahaha I am lucky I get one finished. I also have about 3/4 glasses of milk a day and in cereal.

    I always plan on drinking but never do :(

    Me (40) DH (42).......Married 7/1/11......TTC 12/2013.......BFP #1 12/30/12........EDD 9/8/13
    Spotting,clot 2/15/13 all ok......2/21/13 no heartbeat 11 w 4 d missed miscarriage........2/22/13 DnC :(
    BFP # 2 10.10.13...........EDD 6.19.14

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  • I'm having a harder time with water than I used to, even though I'm usually pretty darn thirsty.  It seems like water tastes like something different all of the time, not good different either.  I also haven't been enjoying juice or even the occasional soda.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I have been in the exact same boat!  I always bring a 20 oz. Tervis tumbler  with me to work and prior to pregnancy, I was filling it up multiple times throughout the day. Now, the end of the day rolls around, and I will have taken a few sips out of it. At night, I try to make sure to make up for it a bit, but it is definitely not enough. I think I have had almost an aversion to water from getting sick so much early on--I often found that drinking triggered throwing up more so than eating did.  Could that be the problem for any of you?  Hopefully we all can get better about our water intake soon because it really is important. 
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  • I carry a gallon jug all the time, and I'm lucky to get through 1/4 of it... and all the water taste different. The only kind I've found that I like is just the great value drinking water at walmart. 
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  • I add lemon or the dasani flavor drops to my water to help me get all my water intake. It's easier to get my water in at work, I carry a 24 oz Starbucks cup with me and fill it 3 times before noon. At home I'm bad about it because I'm constantly on the move and forget to drink

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  • I'm terrible about water/fluid intake!  I'm generally not a very thirsty person, so I've probably never really drank the recommended water (pregnant or not).  We have had particularly cold weather this winter as well, so I avoid anything that makes me feel any colder than I already am too.  I'm hoping as warmer weather rolls around, I will be better.  With my last pregnancy I did best if I had lots of ice in my water to keep it super cold but with our sub-zero temps it's just not going to happen right now.    
  • I had a tough time with this when I was BF my DS. I got advice to put anything I needed in the water to make it more palatable. Gatorade, crystal light, koolaid, iced tea.... my GF brought me a container full of flavor-enhancers of all types. It's not really my style, but I used them and got my fluid intake back up.

    Now I am just thirsty all the time and I feel like the girl from Signs, leaving glasses of water all over the place. I keep telling my DH that I'm getting ready for the aliens; and he finally asked me what the hell I was talking about. Turns out he never saw the movie. :)
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  • edited February 2014
    I have hypothyroidism, and I used to be thirsty ALLLL  the time, but since being pregnant and getting my meds on track, I'm never thirsty anymore. I have a problem drinking anything now, water, milk, juice, I have to force everything down. Sometimes when I lay down to go to bed at night, as soon as I get comfortable, I'm thirsty.....so then I just make my husband get up and get me water. Not because I'm lazy though, I'm on progesterone, and I can't get up once I put them in. 

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