I've read on here to try breast massage while pumping to help loosen up the fat stuck in the milk ducts, but I'm trying to figure out how to actually do this while pumping. I wear a pumping bra and use a double electric pump, so I'm having trouble massaging under the bra without disturbing the contact between the flange and my breast and reducing suction. Are there any tricks to this?
I have a definite stud and dud, and I've noticed that my dud produces significantly more watery milk compared to my stud, regardless of which side DD ate off of last. I usually combine the milk from both sides into one bottle, but was wondering if I should be trying to increase the fat content from the one side. I battled an oversupply and foremilk/hindmilk imbalance early on, so I'm always concerned of DD getting too much foremilk and having it make her sick again. TIA!
Re: Breast massage while pumping
you could also try taking lecithin supplements, those are supposed to make the fat globules in milk less sticky. or, you could try putting one of those microwavable heating pads (with the rice or grains inside them- the name escapes me) on your breasts before pumping to help loosen things up.
are your pumping sessions long enough to ensure you're emptying your breasts and getting to the hindmilk? like if you're doing 10 minutes, maybe do 15 or 20?
once you start your LO on some solids, you might see a drop in your supply (i did), so you might be glad to have the extra milk. or you could consider donating some of it.