So I saw the thread below about BLW, but I didn't want to hijack
LO is 9 1/2 months old, and I want to give him stage 3 dinners. My question is, since they have a lot more than just 2 or 3 ingredients, do you ladies do the 3 day rule with each ingredient before you give the dinner?? Some of those dinners have random things like olive oil, onion powder, quinoa, etc. Pedi was kinda wishy washy, I feel like he so badly wanted to tell me to just go for it and he'll be fine (which I feel like doing).
I would love to give LO real food and forget the jars but he's not feeling real solids yet. I tried to give him puffs and his face was ridiculous - like I gave him dog poop. I want to try giving him another type of puff or mum mum but do I have to wait the 3 days to try with those? Ugh! I hate the 3 day rule.
And - one last question. If you give LO a new food, egg for instance, do you give him/her egg for 3 days in a row, or just once and wait 3 days before introducing a new food? I've been doing the new food for 3 days in a row...and now feeling like I don't really need to do that?
Thanks for any advice
Re: Food Question - stage 3 & 3 day rule
My very good friend has a june 2013 baby and is almost exactly a month younger then my LO. She feeds him everything, he has been on stage 3 for weeks. Matter of fact his dinner consists of half a stage 2 a stage 3 jar some pudding and cheerios or spaghetti and boy does that kid eat. I have been feeding stage two for each meal and mine gets full very fast. It all depends on the LO I guess. I just texted my friend to see if she introduced and foods a certain way, she laughed and said nope. she is a third time mom.
A look at my future