May 2013 Moms

Food Question - stage 3 & 3 day rule

So I saw the thread below about BLW, but I didn't want to hijack :) 

LO is 9 1/2 months old, and I want to give him stage 3 dinners. My question is, since they have a lot more than just 2 or 3 ingredients, do you ladies do the 3 day rule with each ingredient before you give the dinner?? Some of those dinners have random things like olive oil, onion powder, quinoa, etc. Pedi was kinda wishy washy, I feel like he so badly wanted to tell me to just go for it and he'll be fine (which I feel like doing). 

I would love to give LO real food and forget the jars but he's not feeling real solids yet. I tried to give him puffs and his face was ridiculous - like I gave him dog poop. I want to try giving him another type of puff or mum mum but do I have to wait the 3 days to try with those? Ugh! I hate the 3 day rule. 

And - one last question. If you give LO a new food, egg for instance, do you give him/her egg for 3 days in a row, or just once and wait 3 days before introducing a new food? I've been doing the new food for 3 days in a row...and now feeling like I don't really need to do that?

Thanks for any advice :) 

Re: Food Question - stage 3 & 3 day rule

  • We stopped the 3 day rule several months ago but he never had any reactions and there's no history of any food allergies in our family. When we were following the rule, we gave him the same food for the 3 days. The only thing I would suggest if you stop the 3 day rule would be to not give your LO anything new before bedtime and watch him for any reactions (obviously). Our ped said most reactions would occur relatively soon after ingestion but the to still keep an eye on him for a little while after trying new things.
  • We've never done the 3 day rule for anything. My doctor said allergic reactions happen within 4 hours so it's not necessary.
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  • mrsanniemrsannie member
    edited February 2014
    Shoegal36 said:
    We've never done the 3 day rule for anything. My doctor said allergic reactions happen within 4 hours so it's not necessary.
    This is not true. A reaction can occur after that time window and reactions do not always occur the first time you give a food. The second or third time may be the time they have a reaction, which is why you should give the food everyday for 3 days in a row. DS1 has a handful of food allergies with no family history so I am speaking from experience. 

    With that said, I think you'd be fine to give the combo foods and if you see any reactions you'll just have to reintroduce those ingredients independently at a later time to figure out what it was that caused the reaction. With DS2 I am being cautious with the top 8 allergens, eggs is one of them, and will definitely do the 3 day rule for those. 

    ETA: I have found that most pedis do not know much about food allergies and often give false information.
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  • I asked our pedi about stage 3 foods, he recommended skipping them because they are full of sodium. He would rather us give LO real mac and cheese or turkey and vegetables.
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  • My very good friend has a june 2013 baby and is almost exactly a month younger then my LO. She feeds him everything, he has been on stage 3 for weeks. Matter of fact his dinner consists of half a stage 2 a stage 3 jar some pudding and cheerios or spaghetti and boy does that kid eat. I have been feeding stage two for each meal and mine gets full very fast. It all depends on the LO I guess. I just texted my friend to see if she introduced and foods a certain way, she laughed and said nope. she is a third time mom.

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