Cloth Diapering


My woven shipping updated today as being out for delivery an entire day early. I'm waiting with bated breath to see whether I'm going to love you or hate you LLOL.
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Re: Nana_Osaki06

  • Also a question, which back carry for my very cooperative two year old do you recommend trying first?
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
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  • Do a quick ruck or reinforced ruck to start. I have done a ruck with it tied tibetan or with a knotless tie off thats been great. Also, you'll want to try to break it in a bit. I prefer to do the braiding and sleeping with, baby hammock, and running it through crib bar method. It shouldn't be too much of a task when your using it with a toddler.
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  • Also, this is a carry I am going to practice when I get my new wrap.
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  • Do a quick ruck or reinforced ruck to start. I have done a ruck with it tied tibetan or with a knotless tie off thats been great. Also, you'll want to try to break it in a bit. I prefer to do the braiding and sleeping with, baby hammock, and running it through crib bar method. It shouldn't be too much of a task when your using it with a toddler.

    Holy shit you really know what you're taking about. I mean that in a nice way

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  • Woohoo we got it and it's beautiful. I wrapped her with it before even washing it because I was so excited and she loves it. Threw it in the wash now, and then I'll work on breaking that (incredibly thick and difficult) bad boy in lol.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • I'm soi glad you like it! Nati hemp is by far my favorite. I've only ever borrowed it though. I'm getting my own nati hemp in a few days. Then we'll both be in hemp heaven!
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  • Not too much. I know that we did a BWI fundraiser with them. They are cotton. I wasn't enthused with their color selections.
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  • Woohoo we got it and it's beautiful. I wrapped her with it before even washing it because I was so excited and she loves it. Threw it in the wash now, and then I'll work on breaking that (incredibly thick and difficult) bad boy in lol.
    This makes me wonder if you look as ridiculous trying to wrap as I do...

    I got a lot of practice with my Moby, so most of my super ridiculous wrapping days are behind me now lol. Although it was hard wrapping with this because it was so stiff and new still.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Lol, meh, it's all the same to me. My kid also stays still on my back and let's me get her in quickly, so there's not too much struggle.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Yeah. I am having issues with back carries with Cade. He doesn't mind them in my SSC. Wrapping though is a pain. I practice my carries with Rosie while I acclimate Cade to being wrapped on my back.
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  • N13's mod was selected as the winner. Parenting is pissed at this since it's all a popularity contest and not based off of actual merit. People have to vote to have their mod selected as the winner.
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  • You send a PM to Beej to vote. It was announced on the mods board and I think the winners board.
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  • Next baby I plan on using a woven wrap. It's the most supportive and the most versatile. I did not like most newborn carriers.
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  • I really, really liked my Moby, but if I had to pick one or the other I'd get a woven since it last longer and is more versatile.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
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  • Just get a carrier thats thinner and not too long. For newborns some simple front carries are perfect. You could get a size 4 or 5 and do a lot with it for a long time. Things like a kangaroo carry or a FWCC tied under the butt. I don't mind wrapping a newborn. It's not hard and isn't difficult. I actually find an Ergo with the newborn insert more complicated. Anyways, getting a shorter wrap in a nice breathable carrier (one good for summer like a lighter linen or a cotton) will probably less hot than an ergo with insert.
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  • Honestly, I'm not too sure. I've never handled gauze. It may just be perfect. lol
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  • I would probably stick with what I have and/or getting. I love Tula's for SSC's, I also have a Gira in my base size for more complicated carries, and I'm getting a Nati hemp for shorty carries. I'm also thinking of getting a ring sling for quick ups and downs at the house. No idea on that yet, but it may be a wrap converted to a ring sling.
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  • I currently have a toddler sized Tula, but I've tried a standard size.
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  • I would probably stick with what I have and/or getting. I love Tula's for SSC's, I also have a Gira in my base size for more complicated carries, and I'm getting a Nati hemp for shorty carries. I'm also thinking of getting a ring sling for quick ups and downs at the house. No idea on that yet, but it may be a wrap converted to a ring sling.

    I've been doing rebozo carry with slip knot for quick ups and downs.
  • NVandGZ said:

    I would probably stick with what I have and/or getting. I love Tula's
    for SSC's, I also have a Gira in my base size for more complicated
    carries, and I'm getting a Nati hemp for shorty carries. I'm also
    thinking of getting a ring sling for quick ups and downs at the house.
    No idea on that yet, but it may be a wrap converted to a ring sling.

    I've been doing rebozo carry with slip knot for quick ups and downs.

    I would do that, but things are weird at my house and I don't want to wash my new baby all the time.
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  • This thing is so thick, I don't know if I'll ever like wrapping with it.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • That is slightly the downside to hemp, but the support is fantastic and it makes rucks so much more comfortable than a cotton that digs like my gira.
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  • Also, if you hate it you can easily sell it for what you bought it for on the big swap or trade it for something lighter like a cotton.
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  • It still feels like it's digging into me. Argh, maybe I'm just not wrapping it right or something. I'm working to break it in and see how much that helps. It's already getting pretty floppy. Washing it helped a lot.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
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  • Thats good. I find braiding and unbraiding multiple times help too. I know the one I borrowed last was super broken in and was so easy to wrap with. It was also shorter than my 7 so not as much fabric to wrap with.
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  • The less twisty the shoulder straps are, the less they dig in.
  • I think that's part of it is that I wish I got a smaller one. It's so much and it's so thick that it's hard pulling it through. I'm getting jealous of the YouTube videos with people wrapping their thin cotton wraps LLOL.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Yup! My Kraken thats coming in the mail. My SO has issues with germs so if I use it outside the house I have to wash it before I can use it in the house. I won't want to do that all the time with my hemp. So I'm looking at getting a ring sling for the house so I don't have to almost drop my non walking 30lb 14 month old up stairs and stuff.
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  • What's the cheapest wrap I can get? And not a moby, I have that.
  • When I looked a while ago bb slens were inexpensive, I think.
    Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste,
    It all revolves around you.
  • Wovens have the largest learning curve. Just practice. Start out really easy like a simple ruck or a FWCC. When you get good at that add another element like tibeten tie off or sweetheart passes. When that is perfected try a double hammock or a half jordan with a candy cane chest belt. Also, hip carries are fairly easy to do as well. So a poppins or robins hip is a good place to practice passes other than on your front. Try to gather shoulders rather than twisted shoulders.
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  • Yup! My Kraken thats coming in the mail. My SO has issues with germs so if I use it outside the house I have to wash it before I can use it in the house. I won't want to do that all the time with my hemp. So I'm looking at getting a ring sling for the house so I don't have to almost drop my non walking 30lb 14 month old up stairs and stuff.

    but what if you're outside the house and come in, do you have to change your clothes?  what about your diaper bag?
    Yup. We have outdoor and indoor clothes and my bags go in the cubby for it in the foyer where shoes go.
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  • You can get a gira or a didy pretty cheap.
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  • Yup! My Kraken thats coming in the mail. My SO has issues with germs so if I use it outside the house I have to wash it before I can use it in the house. I won't want to do that all the time with my hemp. So I'm looking at getting a ring sling for the house so I don't have to almost drop my non walking 30lb 14 month old up stairs and stuff.

    but what if you're outside the house and come in, do you have to change your clothes?  what about your diaper bag?
    Yup. We have outdoor and indoor clothes and my bags go in the cubby for it in the foyer where shoes go.
    I'm totally just being nosy now, but does he ever let you open the windows?

    I can get some of the indoor/outdoor stuff. I don't like it when people wear outdoor shoes in my house b/c of the literal and figurative crap that gets tracked in. I also have to change clothes if I've been in a lot of pollen, out in Dad's musty greenhouse, or helping unload fertilizer or something. That doesn't happen very often.


  • Yup! My Kraken thats coming in the mail. My SO has issues with germs so if I use it outside the house I have to wash it before I can use it in the house. I won't want to do that all the time with my hemp. So I'm looking at getting a ring sling for the house so I don't have to almost drop my non walking 30lb 14 month old up stairs and stuff.

    but what if you're outside the house and come in, do you have to change your clothes?  what about your diaper bag?
    Yup. We have outdoor and indoor clothes and my bags go in the cubby for it in the foyer where shoes go.
    I'm totally just being nosy now, but does he ever let you open the windows?

    I can get some of the indoor/outdoor stuff. I don't like it when people wear outdoor shoes in my house b/c of the literal and figurative crap that gets tracked in. I also have to change clothes if I've been in a lot of pollen, out in Dad's musty greenhouse, or helping unload fertilizer or something. That doesn't happen very often.
    We only open the kitchen window when it's smoky or the bathroom window when it's stinky. Otherwise no. It lets out all out central air/heat.
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