I had my Beta #1 on Friday 2/21 (9dp5dt). This is 1 day earlier than my clinic normally tests, but the lab is not open on the weekend. My results was 75. Estrogen was 624 and progesterone was 148. I discontinued my progesterone shots and was not on any estrogen this round. SO GOOD!!!
Beta #2 was yesterday 2/24 (72 hours later) and the result was 241. It more than doubled in 72 hours...so that is good.
They do not need/want me to come back until my ultrasound on March 13th. I have been scanning the internet on HCG results and feel like mine are low. My clinics told me they are just fine.
Shouldn't I have a 3rd beta test?? I am worried something is wrong, even though the clinic its telling me its fine. I feel like I am in the 2WW again!!!!!
********Warning BFPs and Losses Mentioned*********
ME-38 DH-39 DX: DOR TTC since Nov 2011.
5/6/13 IUI#1 BFN
6/3/13 IUI#2 BFN
7/3/13 IUI#3 BFN
8/813 IUI#4 cancelled bc no stim
Referred to IVF
IVF #1 9/25 start Stims
10/10 ER 7 Mature Eggs
10/11 Fertilization Report-nothing fertilized so a rescue ICSI performed. 4 eggs were fertilized.
10/13 3 embryos transferred on 3 days(7 cell, 5 cell and 4 cell)
10/25 Beta BFN
IVF #2 Start Stims Feb 2014
2/7 ER 14 Embies...9 Fertilized
2/12 ET 2 excellent grade. 2 frosties
2/21/2014 First BFP EVER....ELATED
3/28/2014 Miscarried. DNC performed that day. 8w6d
6/20/2014 FET 2 frosties.
6/30/2014 SO HAPPY...BFP #2
7/21/2014 First u/s. Low heart rate. Scheduled 2nd u/s in 1 week. 6weeks
7/28/2014 U/S #2...no heartrate. Scheduled DNC for 8/1/2014 7weeks
2/15/2015 IVF #3 E2 Protocol ER 12 eggs retrieved. ICSI'd 9.
2/20/2015 2 transferred. None to freeze.
03/2/2015 Beta 4 - CP
4/2015 IVF #4 E2 Protocal
4/19/2015 ER 13R, 11M, 10F w/ICSI
4/24/2015 ET 2 blasts none to freeze
5/4/2015 Beta 1 108
5/6/2015 Beta 2 225
Re: Does everyone do a Beta #3 ????? ********warning BFP mention*********
My clinic does do a third beta (mine is tomorrow). The nurse that does the blood draw at my clinic also did IVF there so I always review my numbers with her for additional piece of mind/what number I want to hear when they call.
To me your numbers sound great! Good luck!
~SAIF/PAIF/Everyone Welcome~
Me= 37 and DH = 41
Dx: DOR, Endo, APA+ (really high beta 2 glycoprotein antibody and high everything else tested), heterozygous MTHFR mutation, positive for lupus anticoagulant, high FSH, low AMH and both tubes blocked (per HSG on 3/8/11)
IVF #1 - long lupron (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 4 retrieved, 3 fertilized; ET 2 blasts and 1 frozen = BFN
IVF #2 - a version of antagonist with EPP (with HGH, intralipids, lovenox and BA); 6 retrieved, 4 mature, 3 fertilized, 2 blasts and 1 frozen blast transferred on day 5 = BFN.
IVF #3 April was postponed to May, May was canceled. June/July was canceled. Had a cyst aspiration and then began IVF #3 in August. ER on 8/22; ET on 8/24 with AH. +HPT on 9/5. Beta #1 (11dpo) = 3; Beta #2 (15dpo) = 29; Beta #3 (17dpo) = 60; Beta #4 (19 dpo) = 118. Heartbeat at 6 weeks 6 days =132. Lil is here!
TTC#2: Trigger + TI = BFN; Clomid + Trigger + IUI = BFN.
IVF #4: BCP + MDLF + Lovenox = 7R, 1F = Transferred 1 6-cell embryo on day 3 = BFN
IVF #5: MDLF + Lovenox = 4R, 1F = Transferred 1 10-cell compacting embryo on day 3 = BFN
IVF #6: (New RE): Long Antagonist November 2014 (transferred two 8 cell grade 1 embryos and froze one blast) = BFN
*IVF (07/2013): BFP-Natural Miscarriage @ 5 weeks* Madison Riley
*FET #1 (10/2013): BFN
*FET #2 (12/2013)- BFP-Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks Kyle Andrew
*Chromosomes and Karotyping tests were both normal.We lost a healthy baby boy
*FET #3 (04/2014) was cancelled after finding Chronic Endometritis
Me 28 DH 30
After 4+ years TTC