Natural Birth

natural cold remedies while pregnant?

Hi ladies! I'm pregnant with my third child and just came down with a cold. I was lucky enough to not really get sick during my other pregnancies. What are your go to natural cold relief remedies that are safe while pregnant? I am congested with a sore throat and headache.
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Re: natural cold remedies while pregnant?

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    Honey works well for a sore throat.  My SIL swears by saline nasal rinses though I haven't tried that one myself.

    I find that a small cup of iced coffee works wonders on a headache, though some women don't do caffeine while pregnant. 
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    For the sore throat, I just used suck candy and drank plenty of water
    For congestion, they make saline nasal sprays that are perfectly safe. it helps some

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    My naturopath always recommends doing the wet sock treatment for when a cold is brewing. It's worked almost every time for me (turns out, not so effective against pneumonia.  ;) ). Here's an overview on how to do it - you can skip the oils, I never used them and have found it effective:

    Other than that, I also see great results with neti pots and saline nasal sprays. Hope you feel better soon!
    3 early losses in 2013, but so thankful that our first baby boy is due 3/29/14! <3

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    I like warm lemon water with honey, you can add a small amount if cayenne pepper to help with a cough. Also saline drops like pp said, it does help with congestion some as well as sleeping with a humidifier.
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    Fresh pineapple is good for a sore throat!
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    If you can find a neti pot (available at Walgreens or any health food store/Whole Foods/etc.), I highly recommend one of those. They're little pots, shaped like tea pots, that you fill with a salt water solution (made at home) and pour in one nostril and out the other to help clear out your sinuses. I had a cold around month 3 of this pregnancy and that SAVED me.

    Also, breathing in steam helps a lot. I usually boil a pot of water, let it cool for a couple of minutes and then breathe it in with a towel over my head.

    Turmeric also has really great antibody properties. I make a paste with honey and freshly chopped garlic. 

    Menthylatum is also really awesome. I use it when I have a sore throat or my sinuses are plugged. It's totally safe to use -- just rub it on your ouchy areas (throat, sinuses, etc).

    Other than those, fluids fluids fluids...and good, homemade chicken soup!
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    Hey, I know a website may be able to provide some help for you. There are many natural remedies, including colds, sore throat, headache, and so on.
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    elderberry syrup!!!  that stuff is amazing.  it's an immune booster so it helps prevent illness and speeds up recovery time.  just be mindful of what kind you buy, a lot of times they come with other stuff in there, like echinacea, which is not recommended during pregnancy.

    in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus, for you
    1 thessalonians 5:18
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    I drink a barley grass drink regularly, so when I think I am coming down with something I up the intake.  Also garlic supplements, green tea (wonderful for sinus problems), and like others have mentioned...elderberry syrup and use a neti pot to irrigate sinuses!  Also, squeeze fresh lemons, mix with water and sweeten with honey, great for your throat and any coughs.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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