Trouble TTC

Throat Punch Tuesday???

Ok, so I know there is a throat punch Thursday where you vent about anything non-IF related. Well, I'm having a pity party today and there's a few pregos on my Facebook I'd like to jab in the throat! Maybe once I'm in their shoes I'll understand how it feels. BUT I have people on my newsfeed who post NOTHING but statuses about being pregnant! I understand it's an exciting time in their life and they want to share every gas bubble, movement, heartburn, and vomit story with the world BUT I don't want to see it!! I don't post about when my ovaries have reached their peak and it's time to trigger or when my follies are mature and ready to go!! I'm tempted to update the Facebook world about every twinge in my boobs and disgusting side effects all of the hormones inside of me are doing but I don't because it's unnecessary! I do believe it's time to do a little hiding on the Facebook newsfeed until I get past this sensitive time of my 2WW. Does anyone else ever feel this way?! Am I the only one who has pity parties about these things??
TTC 06/12
Me- 27 Unexplained Infertility, DH- 29 Poor Morphology
09/12- Clomid + TI = BFN
11/12- DH had varicocele. No change. 
06/13 IUI Cancelled due to premature ovulation. 
08/13 IUI #1 -Clomid + HCG = BFN
09/13 IUI # 2 - Clomid + HCG = BFN
11/13 IUI #3 - Menopur + HCG = BFN
2/14 IUI #4- Menopur + HCG = BFN
Moving on to IVF. 1st Cycle starting June 2014

photo ceb87159-9041-4c7e-9945-2c41309a9e8c.jpg
March Siggy Challenge: DH and I cruised through a Tropical Storm to Cozumel, Mexico, got engaged, and swam with dolphins!

Re: Throat Punch Tuesday???

  • Yessssss.  There are some people I just can't stand to hear about the children...and that sounds SO mean...but it's obnoxious.  I had to block a few people throughout their pregnancies because all they did was post complaints about being tired...and sore...and huge...and blah blah blah.

    Just hit the 'unfollow' button!

    ME - 31, DH - 40

    Married 06/25/2011, TTC since 03/2012

    BFP #1 on 11/13/12 -- EDD 7/24/13 -- M/C (CP) on 11/21/12

    BFP #2 on  7/21/13 -- EDD 3/29/14 -- M/C (CP) on 7/31/13

    09/4/13 - 4/16/14 -- IUI #1 - 6 = BFNs :(

    7/13/14 -- IVF #1 w/ ICSI

    ER on 7/26/14 -- 20 R, 15 M, 11 F

    ET on 7/31/14 -- 1 transferred (4bb); 8 frosties!!!

    BFP #3 on 8/8/14 -- EDD 04/18/15

    BETA #1:  473,  BETA #2: 1009, BETA #3: 1975

    ** It's a BOY!!! **


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  • i totally understand, i dont have a TP for tuesday, but then again i shut down my fb, so i dont see it. 

    DH= burn vic, abn sa MFI|| ME= PCOS, Sarcoidosis, Hypohyroidism HSG-OK
    tried naturally 2011 & 2012-
    TTC with nurse practitioner 2013
    2 clomid cycles- both bfn, started seeing RE 2013 
    MARCH-BFP (beta1;104-beta2;302)-bc of hsg
    [[all welcome !!!!!!!!!!!! ]]
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  • That is the worse!! I cannot stand when people post their pee stick! You don't have to post the stick you peed on! If you say your pregnant, no one will doubt you! Thanks ladies! I don't feel crazy! I shall go on a hiding spree ASAP. I've already had words with DH's cousin about her moaning and groaning over her morning sickness and each little symptom she posted. I'd love to feel morning sickness or anything that goes along with pregnancy!
    TTC 06/12
    Me- 27 Unexplained Infertility, DH- 29 Poor Morphology
    09/12- Clomid + TI = BFN
    11/12- DH had varicocele. No change. 
    06/13 IUI Cancelled due to premature ovulation. 
    08/13 IUI #1 -Clomid + HCG = BFN
    09/13 IUI # 2 - Clomid + HCG = BFN
    11/13 IUI #3 - Menopur + HCG = BFN
    2/14 IUI #4- Menopur + HCG = BFN
    Moving on to IVF. 1st Cycle starting June 2014

    photo ceb87159-9041-4c7e-9945-2c41309a9e8c.jpg
    March Siggy Challenge: DH and I cruised through a Tropical Storm to Cozumel, Mexico, got engaged, and swam with dolphins!
  • Don't you love when IF treatments aren't enough on the pocketbook?! Something else has to cost an arm and a leg!
    TTC 06/12
    Me- 27 Unexplained Infertility, DH- 29 Poor Morphology
    09/12- Clomid + TI = BFN
    11/12- DH had varicocele. No change. 
    06/13 IUI Cancelled due to premature ovulation. 
    08/13 IUI #1 -Clomid + HCG = BFN
    09/13 IUI # 2 - Clomid + HCG = BFN
    11/13 IUI #3 - Menopur + HCG = BFN
    2/14 IUI #4- Menopur + HCG = BFN
    Moving on to IVF. 1st Cycle starting June 2014

    photo ceb87159-9041-4c7e-9945-2c41309a9e8c.jpg
    March Siggy Challenge: DH and I cruised through a Tropical Storm to Cozumel, Mexico, got engaged, and swam with dolphins!
  • Yes, all the time!

    Me: 32  DH: 33  Married: March 2004

    July 2006: started TTC
    2008: HSG (normal), couple rounds of clomid through gyno
    2008 - 2010: dragging my feet out of fear and procrastination
    October 2010: first consultation with RE, dx PCOS and fibroids (DH slightly low count/motility)
    Oct. 2010 - Dec. 2012:  In DENIAL! avoided the issue because I was scared of surgery
    January 2013: returned to RE, fibroids grew significantly
    February 2013: second HSG, fibroids pushed on tubes which blocked them somewhat
    March 2013: MRI to determine what type of surgery may be necessary

    July 29, 2013: fibroids (5) removed via robotic laparascopy
    August 2013 - Nov 2013 : benched due to recent surgery

    IUI #1, Dec. 24, 2013, BFN 
    IUI #2, Jan. 25, 2014, BFN
    IUI #3, Feb. 25, 2014  BFN
    IUI #4 canceled due to lack of response to letrozole
    IUI #4.1 April 28, 2014, BFN

    May 16, 2014: wtf consult, start prepping for IVF in June and add injects for one last IUI in the meantime
    IUI #5 started letrozole and bravelle but canceled after HSG led to new diagnosis

    May 21, 2014: third HSG, tubes blocked, one at the beginning, one hydrosalpinx??
    June 11, 2014: consult, approved to move on to IVF because the hydro is not completely blocked therefore allowing fluid to move through slowly rather than backwards
    IVF #1 August 8, 2014 - 3dt of 2 embryos, BFN
    September 17, 2014 - 4th HSG, the right tube is very patent (open!!) dye went straight through this time. Weird!
    October 2, 2014 - started metformin treatment
    November 14, 2014 - blood work, brought A1C down from 5.8 to 5.5

    November 26, 2014 - RE finally back from vaca and reviewed my chart, no more IVFs for rest of calendar year
    December 1, 2014 - Right after Thanksgiving, I called a new clinic and got in right away! Plan for IVF
    December 17, 2014 - ER! 29 retrieved (!!), 16 mature, all 16 fertilized (ICSI)

    IVF #2 December 20, 2014 - 3dt of 3 embryos, BFN

    We are done with treatment unsuccessfully. :(

    PAIF/SAIF/All Welcome!

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