May 2012 Moms

Dumb toothpaste question

Okay, so I have to admit that we were just using water to brush DS teeth and no toothpaste until a couple days ago. DH is in charge of brushing teeth and refused to use toothpaste. Now that we are using it, I am not sure what I am supposed to do when we are finished. At some point he has to learn to rinse and spit. Am I supposed to be teaching that now or just leaving it in his mouth? If so, how do you teach that. Sorry, that is definitely a FTM question.

Re: Dumb toothpaste question

  • I still use only water. Each time we brush teeth I personally spit in the sink hoping she will catch on. She usually laughs but and has copied me only a few times. She has never tried it outside of the bathroom.

    I think I'll invest in some toddler safe toothpaste since I want to make sure she's getting a clean mouth when we brush. I'm sure she will just swallow it though.

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  • Yeah you should be using a safe to swallow tooth paste until they can spit it out well. We brush all at the same time and talk about and practice spitting but Nathan didn't get good at it until about three then we switched one brushing a day and then after about two months switch two brushing a day to real toothpaste.

    If lo is swallowing fluride toothpaste it can be bad
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  • I am using the toddler safe toothpaste, so that part is under control. :-)
  • I should have known better sorry! I do think encouraging spitting now helps in the long run
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  • bellelamb said:

    I should have known better sorry! I do think encouraging spitting now helps in the long run

    No problem. There is no guarantee that I had even heard of the stuff.

  • On the same lines, how often are your LOs brushing their teeth? DD absolutely HATED brushing her teeth, and we tried doing it when we were brushing our teeth, but she gets distracted and wants our brush and it's a fight to finish. Lately what seems to work is her brushing her teeth while she's in the bath or shower. But that means she's only brushing every other day and sometimes less if DH forgets or she  really doesn't want to and we skip it. I know these teeth are just going to fall out anyways, but I'm trying to make good habits. This is just one she really doesn't seem to want any part of unless she's teething and then it seems to make her feel better.
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  • We brush Adalyn's teeth twice a day, and we use a very small amount of the regular toothpaste that we use. We used to use the toddler toothpaste, but since she was almost 2 when we ran out a couple of months ago, we started using that.
    When it is time to "rinse" I just hold her over the sink and have her open her mouth. I thrown some water in there and put my finger in there so that it just comes out. Even if she swallows some of it, it isn't a big deal since we use so little.
    We do it in the morning before school and at night before bed. We brush it for her to make sure we get all the teeth, and then let her brush them herself.
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  • Hunter hates it, so we were only torturing him about 3-4 times a week, but then I got to thinking about how he eats gummy snacks now and I really don't want to sugar on his teeth. I just read an article last week about how it is ok and much better to use a 'smear' of regular toothpaste b/c flouride helps prevent cavities.
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  • Hunter actually doesn't hate it nearly as much now that we use the regular toothpaste!

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  • yeah we also use toddler toothpaste... side note - anyone try it?  besides the sweet flavor it's a strange one, def not what i expected when i licked it off my finger yesterday.

    no spitting here she would DEF do it all the time and I hate spit.
  • Lucas chews on his tooth brush 2-3 times a day I only really brush them ever other day. I've been lucky that my kids have strong teeth so this has always worked for us.

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  • We use a flouride children's toothpaste, per our pedi & pedi dentist recommendations. Just a smear and they spit pretty well. (We taught them by blowing raspberries, into the tub - then it's easier to clean). We also have to floss daily because my son's teeth are uncommonly close together (for baby teeth).

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  • I'm curious those who's dr said to use floride do you have city or well water?
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