Hi! I haven't posted before, but lurk here & there....I have a 5 month old daughter and have used this suit since three months old. I love it! It is not hot & keeps her secure & cozy. She can't wake herself up with her hands like she did when she was swaddled (she hated having her arms confined). She sleeps for 8-9 hours per night & I know it's because she feels swaddled & can't wake herself up. Definitely worth the money to me & I will be buying the large very soon!
I love it so much I had to comment...
We bought one and used it. I like it, but my husband doesn't care for it. He says it doesn't make a difference. I can see a subtle difference, but my son is almost 6 months and we bought it around the 4.5 month mark. I wish we had tried it sooner.
Yep what the PP said. DS runs hot and I can dress him in a cotton footed sleeper without him overheating. He sleeps really well in it. He started moving around with the swaddle so I switched to the suit and he stays in the same spot all night.
I just responded to another thread with same question. My DD (4.5 months) runs hot at night too. She has been sleeping in just a onesie and swaddled in A&A blankets. We keep the room around 67 at night. If you don't mind me asking, where do you live? I'm in NY... So not exactly a warm climate.
Hi! I haven't posted before, but lurk here & there....I have a 5 month old daughter and have used this suit since three months old. I love it! It is not hot & keeps her secure & cozy. She can't wake herself up with her hands like she did when she was swaddled (she hated having her arms confined). She sleeps for 8-9 hours per night & I know it's because she feels swaddled & can't wake herself up. Definitely worth the money to me & I will be buying the large very soon! I love it so much I had to comment...
This is the same for us. I usually don't post here either (my LO will be 5 months next week) but the suit has been a success for us. We tried swaddling her one night because it was in the laundry and LO hated the swaddle. She also takes naps in it (usually she fights us when it comes to Naps). I think it is worth a try!
We have used it with both boys. I started using it a few weeks ago in conjunction with transition to the crib. It helps to lessen the startle reflex as well as other jerky movements. Baby can still move but not as freely. I keep the thermostat at 66 and have DS2 in a short sleeved onesie, mittens, socks and the sleep suit.
What are you going to do as it gets warmer? We tried regular pjs last night and he kept waking up. Put him back in suit and fell asleep before I even placed him in crib. B/c it is getting warmer , and the suit is heavier, we turned on AC for him and he seemed ok.
So glad I was lurking on the 3-6 month board (I belong in the 0-3) since my LO has been breaking out of his swaddle. He still needs his swaddle to fall and stay asleep.
For those of you who've tried the sleep suit, do you think that this is a good time to try it with my LO or do you think he's too young still?
Re: Magic sleep suit
Naps). I think it is worth a try!
We have used it with both boys. I started using it a few weeks ago in conjunction with transition to the crib. It helps to lessen the startle reflex as well as other jerky movements. Baby can still move but not as freely. I keep the thermostat at 66 and have DS2 in a short sleeved onesie, mittens, socks and the sleep suit.
I'm just trying to make sense of things :-)