Nurseries and Baby Gear

Movement Monitors - When did you stop?

Our DS is now 9 months old and moves quite a bit when sleeping.  He prefers to sleep on his tummy, which scares me, but nothing that I can do about it.  He will also wedge himself against the side of the crib, which causes the alarm to go off.  So i'm thinking that it might be time to stop using the movement monitor.

When and why did you decide to stop using your Angelcare or other movement monitor?

Re: Movement Monitors - When did you stop?

  • With DS1, we had an Angelcare and stopped using it around 6 months because he kept wedging himself in the corner of the crib and it would go off all night long because it couldn't detect him.  With DS2, we had a Snuza and used it until around 9 months when he began to prefer his belly and it would go off a few times a night because he had wiggled it off of his diaper.  
  • We stopped using our AngelCare somewhere around 8 months.  We kept getting false alarms because he would move off the sensor.  The risk of SIDS drops dramatically after 6 months, so we had enough peace of mind just with the video monitor at that point.  This time, I'm going to try the Snuza.

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  • We stopped with the Snuza around 6-8 months for each of our kids.  They were moving so much and causing false alarms. 
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  • We stopped around 8 months too. I think once that thing starts beeping nightly, it's gotta go :)
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  • Thanks so much for the info.  The false alarms arr driving me crazy.  I think it's time for it to go!
  • BC&LMBC&LM member
    We have a Snuza. He is nine months old and still using it.
  • My 7m old is still wearing it, but it ends up falling off and he ends up sleeping on it more nights than not. I haven't got the strength up to go without it yet though. I do feel bad bc I am sure it isnt comfortable!
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  • How do you ladies swaddle while using the Snuza?
    Married November 2009
    Clara, August 2014 
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  • How do you ladies swaddle while using the Snuza?
    I totally don't mean to be rude but how would the Snuza interfere with the swaddle? I could hear mine through a footie and a swaddle blanket over my monitor. 
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    We were 2 under 2, now 3 under 3!
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  • ebp913 said:

    How do you ladies swaddle while using the Snuza?

    I totally don't mean to be rude but how would the Snuza interfere with the swaddle? I could hear mine through a footie and a swaddle blanket over my monitor. 


    I guess I just picture the swaddle as tightening the Snuza against the baby and creating pressure in that one spot. I've never seen one in person so maybe I'm just not picturing it well.
    Married November 2009
    Clara, August 2014 
    Baby Boy due October 2017
  • How do you ladies swaddle while using the Snuza?
    I totally don't mean to be rude but how would the Snuza interfere with the swaddle? I could hear mine through a footie and a swaddle blanket over my monitor. 
    ---------- I guess I just picture the swaddle as tightening the Snuza against the baby and creating pressure in that one spot. I've never seen one in person so maybe I'm just not picturing it well.
    I can't imagine it being a problem. The Snuza is just resting on their skin. It's like a tiny piece of plastic touching their skin and the main part of the unit is on the outside of the diaper.  If you were swaddling tight enough to create pain causing pressure, the baby would cry and I would guess that you are swaddling too tight to begin with.  
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    We were 2 under 2, now 3 under 3!
    Team Green turned Team Pink with #1, Team Green turned Team Blue with #2, Team Green turned Team Pink again with #3
  • Ok thanks
    Married November 2009
    Clara, August 2014 
    Baby Boy due October 2017
  • yeah the snuza doesn't interfere with swaddling at all
    Off BCP since 1/12
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