Pre-School and Daycare

Installation Question If you have the Britax Frontier 90 Booster Seat...

I purchased this booster seat for my almost 6 year old and I was confused on the LATCH/Connectors.  We are using the 5 point harness and I think the manual said to NOT use the LATCH Connectors to secure the seat to the car if we used in harness mode???  My son is 40 lbs.  Am I not supposed to use the connectors and use the seatbelt instead?
Thanks for your help!!
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Re: Installation Question If you have the Britax Frontier 90 Booster Seat...

  • I have the Pioneer...  yes, you would use the belt to attach it to the car.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Is it saying not to use the latch bc of his weight? I believe that 40 lbs tends to be the weight that they tell you to stop using latch...
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  • We just got this seat and are using the seatbelt.  After reading the manual it doesn't appear that it makes a difference whether you use the latch or seatbelt in harness position.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We have this seat and love it!!
    This seat has the click tight which is much easier to install with the seatbelt than the latch.  You just open the base, thread the seatbelt across where indicated, connect seatbelt, remove slack and close the click tight.  Be sure to tether as well.  You can latch when you are using it in booster mode so you don't have to worry about buckling it in every time.  

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