Trouble TTC

Question about TI + Trigger

Can anyone tell me what TI + Trigger at your RE's office is like? Sorry if it sounds obvious, but is it just they give you trigger when you are ready, then tell you to BD like mad for the next couple of days? or is it a bit more complicated than that? 
Thank you for sharing.
Me: 38, DH: 41
TTC#2 since Feb 2013
10/13: 1st IUI, BFN
02/14: 2nd IUI, BFN
03/14: HSG done, found out right tube is slightly blocked
04/14: 3rd IUI, BFN
05/14: 4th IUI, BFN
07/14: IVF no. 1, BFN
11/14: IVF no. 2, BFP

Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Question about TI + Trigger

  • My RE told me to have sex 12 and 36 hours after trigger. My husband will give me my trigger in the morning and we will have sex tomorrow night and Thursday night. They also told me to start EOD up until I trigger.
    Fucking bump!!!!
  • The cycle we did it they gave us an option.  They had us trigger that night and we could either BD 12 & 36 hours later (which were mornings) or 24 hours later at night.  He said specifically do not do it more than every 24 hours to make sure his counts had time to recover.    Hope that helps!
    Ba hahahaha!


    Me-30 DH-34
    2002- Diagnosed with PCOS at 18
    10/11-10/12 - tried to conceive naturally with Metformin, due to PCOS never had a cycle
    10/12-12/12 3 cycles of Clomid - fail
    6/13- 1st cycle on Clomid 50mg, Metformin, Follistim, and Ovidrel- BFN
    7/13 2nd cycle on Clomid 50 mg, Metformin, Follistim, and Ovidrel 1st IUI - BFN
    8/13 3rd cycle on Clomid 50 mg, Metformin, Follistim, and Ovidrel 2nd IUI - BFN
    9/13 4th cycle on Clomid 50 mg, Metformin, Follistim, and Ovidrel - Benched with Cysts
    From 12/13 to current I have ovulated 4 times naturally
    Currently on break to get healthy.... 35 pounds down, 13 to go!
    All Are Welcome!!

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  • Thank you for all the info guys. We did one cycle of TI with trigger couple of months ago. I got trigger in the am, then BD that same night (almost 12 hours after trigger), then again the following night (36 after trigger). It was fail so not sure if we did it correctly or not. Our RE was not so specific about timing of BD, just said, anytime in the next couple of days. 
    Me: 38, DH: 41
    TTC#2 since Feb 2013
    10/13: 1st IUI, BFN
    02/14: 2nd IUI, BFN
    03/14: HSG done, found out right tube is slightly blocked
    04/14: 3rd IUI, BFN
    05/14: 4th IUI, BFN
    07/14: IVF no. 1, BFN
    11/14: IVF no. 2, BFP

    Pregnancy Ticker
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