I have seen this mentioned, but my Dr. has not said anything... I have already had 2 shots of steriods, and they will def. deliver no later than 34 wks...I think they will give me more shots right before...what are the risks of not doing the amnio/how do we know about her lung development... I am so nervous for my LO...
Re: Amnio to check lung dev.??
That is my thought as well. We did not do an amnio this time and we delivered at 32w3d. We knew their lungs weren't ready but, after two abruptions, it was time to get them out. By contrast, with my first two pregnancies, we did an amnio at 36 weeks with my oldest before delivering (pre-e, but not dire) and did an amnio with my first twins before delivering at 35 weeks (placental abruption at 25 weeks and iffy looking BPPs/NSTs).