
Post Egg Retrieval Question (TMI- be warned!)

This is going to be filled with TMI so stop here if that bothers you.

Okay, still here?

Egg retrieval was on Saturday morning, I had 14 measurable follicles and some small ones probably 17 or so total going in and they retrieved 9 eggs. My E2 was all over the place because I was on estrogen priming protocol.  I triggered with 10,000 units of HCG on Thursday night.   Saturday after ER, pain was bad, I stayed in bed all day.  I bled quite a bit and had a lot of clots.   Sunday, I expected it to be better and it was but not nearly as much better as I expected. I was peeing well though and had a bowel movement with  no issues. I spent a few hours out of bed but had to lie down a lot and keep the heating pad on most of the day. Some bleeding yesterday, less than on Saturday. Today (Monday) I had woken up a few times in the night with cramp like pain, like severe menstrual cramps. This morning when I had a bowel movement it was SOOO painful!  I was almost crying on the toilet. The pain is about the same as yesterday, crampy pain. But now I have diarrhea and am slightly nauseated. I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome so diarrhea is not unusual for me, I've been 3x today already though and haven't' been peeing much other than that. The other two times were not painful like the first time, the first time was not loose (really sorry for the TMI). I'm still spotting when I go to the bathroom but no clots today. 

So looking for anyone with experience in this area, is the pain I'm still feeling normal and I just need to suck it up and wait it out?  I'm not usually a wuss about pain and if I have some idea of when this will resolve I'll feel better. 
Me 39, DH 40
Male Factor (severe oligospermia) 
IVF#1-December 2013: Conversion Protocol @ SIRM, Canceled on day 10 of stims due to poor response
IVF#2- February 2014:  Estrogen Priming Conversion Protocol @ SIRM (ER 2/22: (9R, 7M, 4F, All arrested, nothing to trasnfer)
IUI#1-May 28, 2014- 100mg clomid, HCG Trigger, 100mg progesterone oral--BFN
IUI#2-June 24, 2014- non medicated, HCG 2,500mg x 4 doses (over a week), Endometrium- BFN
Suprise BFP- September 1, 2014- miscarriage at 5 weeks. 

Re: Post Egg Retrieval Question (TMI- be warned!)

  • I'd call the doctor. I think everyone feels sore following ER, but this sounds worse than that. I also had minimal bleeding, so that's concerning.

    Hope you feel better!
    **********************siggy/ticker warning**********************

    ***Losses mentioned.*** TTC #1 since May 2012. Me: 37, OH: 41. Ectopic August 2012 => tubal damage. :'(  Stage 1 endo removed June 2013. IVF #1 Oct/Nov 2013: Long Lupron with Gonal-F. 7R, 7M, 7F. 2 txfer@3d. Nothing frozen.  => M/C @ 8 wks. :'( Selected RPL panel all normal. Very hyper and brittle response to stims. IVF #2 (antagonist protocol) Feb 2014 => Converted to IUI (Perfect conditions). BFN. IVF #2.1 w/ new RE June 2014: Antagonist protocol. 33R, 31M, 30F, 19 blasts to test!!! I made it through without crashing!! :) Hats off to Dr. Fancypants!! ET of one 5AB blast. BFN. 13 10 CCS'ed snowflakes! FET #1 PUPO as of 7/29 Betas: 8/7@24, 8/9@97, 8/11@334 (etc.) Two sacs on 8/15, one seen on 8/18 after a bleed. U/s 8/25 (6+3) "perfect": 5.9 mm + HB@120bpm! U/s 9/4 (7+6): 15.9 mm + HB@172 bpm! Please, PLEASE stick this time!!!!
  • I would call. I think spotting is normal, but I would just talk to the nurse about the clots and pain level.
    Me: 30 DH: 30 ~ TTC #1 Since August 2011 
    BFP #1 2/28/13, Ectopic, Tubal surgery 3/25 
    Began RE testing 8/8, Dx Unexplained, 
    IUI #1 11/1=BFN Moving on to IVF 
    IVF #1 12/2 ER 8R 7M 4 fertilized
    12/7 Transferred 2 "perfect" little blasts 12/17 BFN
    New DX= DOR, I fu*kng hate IF
    1/14 Hysteroscopy, new clean uterus!
    IVF #2: bcp, Lupron, follistim 300, menopur 225. 2/21 8R 4M 3F. 3dt of 2 perfect embryos. 1 little penguin 
     3/10 BFFN
    Regrouping. Seeing reproductive immunologist Dr. Kwak Kim 6/10 
    Kwak Kim protocol: Metformin 1000mg, vitamin D 4000iu, vitamin E 400iu, baby aspirin, Metanx, levothyroxine 75mcgs 
     Surprise BFP 9/21!!! Beta #1 247, Beta #2 630. Miscarried 10/13

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  • I know that you are supposed to watch your urinary output after ER - I think it can be an indicator of OHSS (do I have the acronyms right!?). Definitely worth a call to the doctor. Feel better!

    Ps I have Crohn's which I guess could be classified as a severe form of IBS. I have found in my two cycles that some of the meds definitely have me going more. If you have a GI you could also consult with them. Good luck!
  • I agree with PP call the doc... I didn't have any bleeding but was in so much pain that i called and the doc was on the fence of if i should go to Emergency... we opted with wait and see and if it gets worse go

    If nothing else calling the doc will put your mind at ease if there is nothing to worry about

    ***Siggy Warning***
    TTC Since Feb 2011 - HSG Aug 2012 opened 1 tube - Lap Nov 2012 confirmed Endo. 
    May 2013 both tubes blocked by hydrosalpinx. Nov 2013 Essure Placed permanently blocking both tubes

    IVF #1 - Jan/Feb 2014 Patch Protocol - 3 day 5 blasts Frosties - transferred 1 blast BFN 
    FET #1 - May 15 transferred 1 blast - HPT May 22 BFP - Beta #1 May 26 - 578 - Beta #2 May 28 1707
    U/S #1 June 9 6w4d hb 111 - U/S #2 June 17 7w5d HB 156 - EDD Jan 29, 2015

  • HopefulSoul2HopefulSoul2 member
    edited February 2014

    I was instructed to call this doctor if I experienced anything other than period like cramps and minimal bleeding the day of ER.  The nurse called me in the early morning the day after to make sure I had resumed normal activites and wan't having any problems or concerns.  I would call ASAP!


    f/k/a/ Kari3629

    Me: 40/DH: 34

    Unexplained IF

    IVF #1 - 9/2013 8ER/5M/4EF/4ET = BFN

    IVF #2 - 2/2014 - Fingers crossed this is the one!

    4ER/3EF/3 "beautiful embryos" transferred - Beta March 7 = BFN :(

    Everyone Welcome!

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  • Thanks everyone, I emailed my nurse. 
    Me 39, DH 40
    Male Factor (severe oligospermia) 
    IVF#1-December 2013: Conversion Protocol @ SIRM, Canceled on day 10 of stims due to poor response
    IVF#2- February 2014:  Estrogen Priming Conversion Protocol @ SIRM (ER 2/22: (9R, 7M, 4F, All arrested, nothing to trasnfer)
    IUI#1-May 28, 2014- 100mg clomid, HCG Trigger, 100mg progesterone oral--BFN
    IUI#2-June 24, 2014- non medicated, HCG 2,500mg x 4 doses (over a week), Endometrium- BFN
    Suprise BFP- September 1, 2014- miscarriage at 5 weeks. 

  • Nurse emailed back, said to hydrate and rest. Bleeding/Spotting is okay as long as its not heavier than a period. And to take Tylenol for the pain. 

    I'm' at work for another hour and a half then will be going home to my bed
    Me 39, DH 40
    Male Factor (severe oligospermia) 
    IVF#1-December 2013: Conversion Protocol @ SIRM, Canceled on day 10 of stims due to poor response
    IVF#2- February 2014:  Estrogen Priming Conversion Protocol @ SIRM (ER 2/22: (9R, 7M, 4F, All arrested, nothing to trasnfer)
    IUI#1-May 28, 2014- 100mg clomid, HCG Trigger, 100mg progesterone oral--BFN
    IUI#2-June 24, 2014- non medicated, HCG 2,500mg x 4 doses (over a week), Endometrium- BFN
    Suprise BFP- September 1, 2014- miscarriage at 5 weeks. 

  • I had the same symptoms for my first ivf. My second RE thought it may have been a cyst that burst. That was my first thought since you stated you had more follies than eggs retrieved. (This was the same scenario for me).

    TTC#1 since April 2011
    IVF#1 July 2012 5R, 3 made it to blast, sET c/p
    FET#1 Aug 2012 2 blasts transferred BFN
    IVF#2 Oct 2012
    16R/6M/6F/2-8 cell grade 1 transfer
    Beta 1-237.9, Beta 2-566, Beta 3-8657
    US 6w3d shows one baby w/ HB 115
    US 7w1d no more heartbeat/ D&C 11/30/12 normal karyotype
    IVF#3 Mar 2013
    6R/4M/4F 1 compacting and 2-8 cell transfer
    ectopic pg MTX given 3 month break from TTC

    IVF#4 Sept 2013--BFN
    IVF#5-7 Apr 2014, Jun 2014 and Aug 2014 banking embryos for CCS testing. Praying for normals! Image and video hosting by TinyPic imageimage
  • Holy cow!  I'm late to the party - but I really hope that you're feeling better - that sounds positively miserable (seriously, I was wincing through the whole thing...)  Hope you feel better soon!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Siggy Warning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

     Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I appreciate everyone's kind words. I spent about a half a day at work and made dinner and am now sitting watching the finale of Downton Abbey with the heating pad on. 
    Me 39, DH 40
    Male Factor (severe oligospermia) 
    IVF#1-December 2013: Conversion Protocol @ SIRM, Canceled on day 10 of stims due to poor response
    IVF#2- February 2014:  Estrogen Priming Conversion Protocol @ SIRM (ER 2/22: (9R, 7M, 4F, All arrested, nothing to trasnfer)
    IUI#1-May 28, 2014- 100mg clomid, HCG Trigger, 100mg progesterone oral--BFN
    IUI#2-June 24, 2014- non medicated, HCG 2,500mg x 4 doses (over a week), Endometrium- BFN
    Suprise BFP- September 1, 2014- miscarriage at 5 weeks. 

  • I'm so sorry you are going through this! I had some issues after ER (cramping and bathroom issues), and I am certain they were related to the anesthesia, because I always have issues with anesthesia (so does my dad). Not sure if that had any effect in your case, but thought I would throw that out there.  

    Hope you are finally feeling better!

    ***************************Loss Mentioned***************************

    Me 37 y/o, DH 45 y/o; DH vasectomy reversal (his 2nd marriage) 11/8/12; TTC since 12/8/12. IVF due to MFI. DOR diagnosis April 2015.


    IVF #1 BCPs/Antagonist w/ICSI Jan 2014 = BFN

    IVF #2 MDL w/PICSI March 2014 = BFN

    IVF #3 EPP/Antagonist w/PICSI May/June 2014 = BFP!; MMC 6w4d

    IVF #4 No suppression/Antagonist Nov 2014/Converted to IUI #1 = BFN
    IVF #4.1 Feb 2015 = cancelled
    IVF #4.2 April 2015 - Lupron Stop Protocol with ICSI = PGD testing of embryo indicated it was abnormal
    IVF #5 June 2015 EPP with Antagonist 


    Everyone welcome!

  • ****ticker*****

    This sounds just like my ER. Terrible. I would sit on the toilet and cry and cry! I gained 12lbs over night with OHSS.
    It was terrible!
    I was put on some medication....can't remember the name...
    Me:35,  DH: 39   
    TTC since March 2011. All bloodword, SA & HSG are normal.  
    8/12: Clomid & TI - BFN 
    10/12: Colmid & TI - BFN 
    3/13:  Clomid, Trigger & IUI - BFN 
    4/13: Gonal F, Trigger & IUI: BFN  
    6/13: IVF #1 (1AA blast & 1BB blast) = BFN 
    8/13: FET #1= BFN
    10/13: FET #2= BFP!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker  image
  • Hope you are feeling better!
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