Our Baby Girl: Elliana Judith!
My birthing team: My husband & our doula
Thank you for helping us with our birthing and for taking the time to read our birthing preferences! I am planning an unmedicated & joyful birth. I’m a first-time mom &, although I am a little anxious, I’m also excited, hopeful, & determined. We appreciate & welcome all encouragement!
We understand that no one can predict everything that may happen over the course of labor & that that unforeseen situations may arise that could require changes to our preferences. We sincerely appreciate your help in achieving the most natural birth possible under whatever circumstances arise. Please allow us time to discuss and question medical interventions, unless it is an emergency.
During birthing time:
• Please help us maintain a positive environment in my room. I’ll need to focus on my can-do attitude! Encouragement is welcome!
• I have taken a HypnoBirthing class, but I’m open to anything you can suggest to help labor along naturally & for pressure management. I trust your experience!
• Please gain consent or consult with us prior to any medical interventions.
• Please refrain from offering me pain medication or asking me what my level of pain is.
• I prefer a saline or hep-lock instead of an IV.
• Intermittent monitoring is also preferred & has been approved by our doctor.
During Pushing:
• I would like to push in whatever position feels right at the time.
• I prefer my pushing to be intuitive, rather than directed with counting.
• Perineal massage and other natural methods for helping baby out are welcome & appreciated.
• I prefer to tear naturally rather than receiving an episiotomy.
• I appreciate your patience for spontaneous detachment and birth of the placenta.
§ We are encapsulating my placenta, please do not let it leave our delivery room. We have a cooler on hand to take it with us
If stitches are required, I am not opposed to local
anesthetic after baby is born.
After Birth (with Elliana):
• I would like immediate skin-to-skin contact with Elliana after birth.
• Postpone all healthy newborn procedures (measurements, vaccinations, etc.) until after bonding / breastfeeding are established.
• We would like clamping/cutting of the umbilical cord to be delayed until it has stopped pulsing.
§ We would like to bank any remaining cord blood left in the cord AFTER it has stopped pulsing. Our kit is with us in the delivery room.
• We would like to decline Elliana’s bath on the day of her birth. We will bathe her tomorrow in the bathing class.
• We would like non-separation & for Elliana to be in our room at all times.
Re: Unmedicated Birth Plans for Hospital Birth
Otherwise, my MF also suggested going over it with your OB or MW at your next appt to make sure there isnt anything missing that they would recommend.
I need to get started on mine now!
Also, I do not think you need the part about local anesthetic for stitches. The OB/MW will sew you up and they will let you know that they are about to inject the anesthetic.
Also when you check into the hospital you can request a natural birth friendly nurse. I did and ended up with a great nurse.
Hi! Just went over my birth plan w/ my midwife last Thursday and mine is super similar to yours (fellow M14 mom!).
She said to leave everything as is, and the nurses always take time to skim over it (or you could always make slightly shorter bullets rather than whole sentences). She also said it doesn't hurt to have some things in there, even if they're standard practice, for just in case.
Also, it was suggested to me to go ahead and add info for in case of a c-section.
I'm using hypnobabies as well and I think their info sheet for the nurses is a little wordy - but I planned on adding a short bit of information regarding the different phrasing to use - "pressure" vs. "pain" etc.
I would probably take out the first two paragraphs. When I was going through your birth plan I automatically skipped over that part and got down to the details. Also, some of it seem a bit more wordy than necessary.
Here is my birth plan, just for reference (ours seem similar):
Please note –
• I am RH negative (O-) and received the Rhogam shot around 28 weeks
• I have gestational diabetes that is diet-controlled
• I am allergic to sulfa
• I have vasovagal syncope and have fainted in the past due to low blood pressure
Attendants –
• DH
• Doula
During labor I would prefer –
• Not to be offered any pain medication; I will ask if I feel I need something
• Not to have labor augmented (ex: breaking my water, stripping my membranes, or Pitocin)
• Minimal internal checks (once at arrival and once prior to pushing)
• To drink and/or eat as I choose
• No IV; I am open to a heparin lock if required
• To move, walk around, or shower as I choose
• Intermittent external monitoring; no continuous electronic fetal monitoring
While pushing/during delivery I would prefer –
• To push/deliver instinctively and in whatever position I feel most comfortable (ex: not on my back)
• To avoid an assisted birth (vacuum or forceps)
• To tear naturally as opposed to getting an episiotomy
o If I do tear, I would prefer a numbing agent be applied prior to getting stitches
After delivery I would prefer –
• To wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsating before cutting it
• DH to cut the umbilical cord
• Immediate skin-to-skin contact (I wish to put off any medical tests for the baby that aren’t urgent)
• Breastfeed as soon as possible
• To deliver the placenta spontaneously, without any manual intervention or drugs
Postpartum I would prefer –
• My husband or I should be with the baby for all procedures or tests
• No formula, sugar water, or a pacifier should be given to the baby
• Guests are not allowed in our room until I say I am ready for them
LO then (2 days) and now (1 year)
Also, you will have to decide between delayed cord clamping and cord blood banking. We had extensive conversations with our Dr about this last time and I did a bunch of research and it is one or the other, you can't do both.