My MIL very generously offered to throw me a shower, and I am so grateful for it. I let her do what she wanted since she is the host and just planned to show up on the correct day/time. Sounds great except one little issue, I am now one of those MTB with the zillions of invite requests! I had no idea about any of it until my mom called and read me the invite she received. It had a poem about the book instead of the card AND a diaper raffle! I know she was just trying to be helpful and probably thought they were gret ideas, but I am soooo embarrassed by it! I loathe those grabby bossy type shower (wedding and baby). Is there anything I can do by this point? Invites are already out and received by everyone. I am hoping my close friends/family will know this was not my choice.
Re: So embarrassed by MIL!
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
I wholeheartedly agree though... Once at the shower, all you can do is be gracious. And do thank you notes promptly.