Stay at Home Moms

horrible restaurant experiences?

What is your worst experience at a restaurant? Any good stories? 

We had our absolute worst tonight, I still can't believe it. FIL travels a lot for work and they put him up in a particular well known high-end hotel chain everywhere he goes, so by now he's a platinum card holder and has collected all these points, etc. So he and MIL offered to take us out for dinner at the hotel's swanky restaurant, as well as SIL/BIL, since FIL would just use up some of his gazillions of points to pay for it. 
This restaurant is fancy. And I actually wasn't looking forward to going, just because DD is teething and cranky, and trying to keep her happy and quiet was going to be more stressful than was worthwhile. Well, that ended up being the case, sure. But it got so much worse... The ILs made reservations for tonight a week ago, and when we arrived they said a huge mistake had been made and they'd booked the restaurant for some major function, and we couldn't dine there. So, they ended up sending us up to the lounge, which was essentially full of drunk loud people, swearing loudly, and the room reeked of alcohol. Awesome. So, then the menu that's offered up there is extremely limited, and is all sandwiches/burgers, which was hugely disappointing.... I was looking forward to getting to order whatever I wanted off a fancy menu, since we could never normally afford that kind of thing. SIL and I ordered chicken clubhouse sandwiches with fries, and DH/BIL/FIL ordered steak sandwiches, and MIL ordered fish and chips. When they came they were so gross. All of our fries were limp and soggy. My sandwich was inedibly salty, and I'm not being dramatic (and I'm pregnant and LOVE salt). I couldn't eat it. DH had ordered his steak medium-rare, and it was over cooked and tough as leather. FIL had ordered his steak medium, and it was totally blue. Raw. The portions were tiny.... everything was terrible. Meanwhile, DD is squirming and crying and just generally miserable, which is adding to the overall feeling of stress and unhappiness. And the group of 20-somethings at the table next to us continues to obnoxiously use the F bomb to an unnecessary degree. We were all sitting there, all dressed up for a ritzy dinner, and feeling like we were in a trashy bar eating terrible diner food. Gah. 

Needless to say, we walked out. There were angry words exchanged... FIL was furious and made it very well known. I felt bad for him... he was so proud to get to take us all out for a special dinner and it totally bombed :( Had to feed DD crackers that were in the car for dinner, since it was already past her bedtime. Just overall a terrible night. *sigh*

So, anyone else have a awful restaurant story? Either quality of food or service or both? 

Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: horrible restaurant experiences?

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    Oh no! Sorry it ended up that way.
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    Having worked in restaurants for years, I'm pretty forgiving. But I remember one that was pretty bad. When DH and I were dating, I wanted to take him out (he usually paid) and he mentioned an Ethiopian place that he wanted to try. So I told him we should go there and I'd treat. It was in a sketchy part of town. I don't remember the food being all that memorable, but I remember that it took forever for them to bring us the bill. Like, forever. And then once we got it, I put a card down and the waiter told me they only accepted check or cash. I was at a loss, I only had a card (and there was nothing I remember being posted at the front about payment). DH only had a card, too. The waiter told me there was an ATM about a block away. DH wanted to go, but I was in Power Woman mode and told him that was ridiculous, I wanted to take him out and I'd go get the money.

    It turned out not to be a block, it was more like five blocks. And I was in heels. I passed a ton of prostitutes and super-questionable people on my way there and back, and my feet were totally blistered by the time I got back to the table. Then the guy took forever to get me my change. Needless to say, we never went back there again.
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    I've also worked in food service and also known to be VERY forgiving... That said I would be FURIOUS as well to experience what you did tonight!!! That's entirely unacceptable and I hope your FIL contacts the 1-800-Bit** line for the chain! So what if they booked another event in, you had reservations a week ago for the swanky fancy restaurant, not the kiddie bar. For all intensive purposes, they could have put you in a private meeting room in the hotel and served the room privately if there was going to be an issue since it was a small/decent size group... My only thought is were they just being snooty and not wanting a baby in the restaurant so fed you a line... Because really - even if a restaurant is busy, they usually don't outright turn people away even if they do have reservations... I've had my share of experiences from mice to roaches and just in general bad service. The worst recently was when DS was still in his bucket seat... I never get to go out, and this was really our first venture out as a family after DS was born (almost 8mo at that point)... We went to a national seafood chain "The Dead Crab" on my Birthday... We got there late so there weren't many people and they could have put us literally anywhere in the establishment, but they put us at a booth - well, I could barely fit, and DS in the carrier - it wasn't going to happen (wasn't enough room to even sit the carrier down), so I opted to put him on the floor next to me. Well, they got pithy about him being on the floor and wanted me to put him in some totally unsafe (basically a high chair turned upside down on the floor), and I said "uh - NO! he's just fine/safer right here, otherwise if you'd like we could sit at the table across from us and I can put him up on the bench next to me" - to which they said "no" because that table was assigned to a staffer who'd left for the evening (NOT MY PROBLEM!)... Eventually hormones were about to take over, I was about to cry and told DH this is a disaster, let's just go. When they came back and suddenly said it was o.k... From that point on it was like forget it, and honestly even though I'm normally in the 25% plus tipping club, I left it to DH to decide without my normal "be generous"...
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    That really sucks! I probably wouldn't have stayed and eaten in the lounge.

    We had a really bad experience at a chain once (DH, me, my sister, and BIL). The waiter pretty much ignored us: forgot our appetizer, no drink refills, brought salads with the main course. Everyone's food was awful except mine. I asked for the manager. He was kind of an ass, but I told him the food and service were both unacceptable and we weren't paying.

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    letranger said:
    Why did you even stay? As for the loud cursing patrons I mean you did choose to bring your child to a place that isn't well child friendly both a fancy restaurant on a Saturday night and a lounge. So no one is going to police themselves over that. I certainly wouldn't.

    I agree with let on this one. You said yesterday before you even went, it was not a god place for Dd. Why in the world did you even take her in the first place?
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    joyfullyfoundjoyfullyfound member
    edited February 2014
    letranger said:
    Why did you even stay? As for the loud cursing patrons I mean you did choose to bring your child to a place that isn't well child friendly both a fancy restaurant on a Saturday night and a lounge. So no one is going to police themselves over that. I certainly wouldn't.
    We stayed because the hostess downstairs told us that the lounge was comparable and offered the same menu. We'd driven quite a ways out of town to get to this place, so there wasn't another option close by and we didn't have time to try and figure something else out (we needed to get DD home for bed, and FIL/MIL needed to get home by 7:30 to teach a bible study they host at their house). Plus this meal was free with FIL points, so we were willing to let some things slide. 

    As for the swearing, I totally agree that we put ourselves in that situation, haha. I certainly don't feel they should have stopped on our account! Even though they had every right to be acting exactly as you'd expect lounge patrons would, it still wasn't that awesome to sit next to them, and I was painting the picture of the situation we found ourselves in so you guys could fully appreciate the awful-ness ;) 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

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    Dh and I went to breakfast at a place. The server comes over and takes our drink order. She brings over the wrong drink for dh which was nbd and dh nicely said if she wouldn't mind switching he asked for apple juice. She argued with him over it until she stormed away getting a new drink. After she got the right drink and brought it over she never came back. Someone else ran our food and she never came back because she was too busy chatting with her friends. I had to approach her sitting at another table to get our bill. I gave her a penny as a tip.
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    joyfullyfoundjoyfullyfound member
    edited February 2014
    Andrewsgal said: I agree with let on this one. You said yesterday before you even went, it was not a god place for Dd. Why in the world did you even take her in the first place?

    Oh lordy, don't even get me started, I
    know. Haha, I totally called that it wouldn't go well... But so much more went wrong than it just not being an appropriate setting for a toddler. I had DH tell his mom a few days ago that we weren't coming, but she responded with a major guilt trip, and it was obviously very important to them. My parents are away in Hawaii, my brother was working, and the only two other people I'd trust to put DD to bed weren't available, so a babysitter wasn't an option. 

    As for taking a toddler to the lounge, the hotel sent us there, so they obviously didn't have a problem with it. If other people had an issue with it, they can talk to the staff that invited us to be there. In retrospect though... legally, was DD allowed in there? Wasn't it technically a bar? I wonder... 

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers

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    Kimbus22 said:
    Hav=Fath said:
    Why did you even stay? As for the loud cursing patrons I mean you did choose to bring your child to a place that isn't well child friendly both a fancy restaurant on a Saturday night and a lounge. So no one is going to police themselves over that. I certainly wouldn't.
    But lots of people would. If I saw a toddler at the next table I assure you I would watch my language more.
    I would.  DH would now.  But if he was in his 20s, pre-kids at a bar/lounge with his friends, it would never have occurred to him to watch his mouth because someone else brought a kid in.
    This. And, honestly, if I was out with girlfriends for drinks and whatnot at 8 or 9 o'clock on a Fri/Sat night, and someone brought their toddler ikn, I'd probably be side-eyeing them.
    We took DS to a very popular restaurant at 7pm last night. Got no side-eyes.
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    Here kids are allowed anywhere food is served. Not that I would take them to a bar with food. But a lounge at a nice hotel, she wasn't the first child nor will she be the last.
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    I'm new here, hello fellow Moms!

    Anyway, DD is almost 2 years old, and we have been taking her out to eat with us since she was able to sit up unassisted, around 6 months. We have never experienced service as bad as what OP described, or even other posters! 45 minutes for a burger?!? I would have been PISSED. One would think the establishment would try to rush the table with a baby out, no? Terrible service is unacceptable, and even as a former server I see nothing wrong with a penny tip when there is no reason other than complete incompetence for it.

    We were at a hotel for a wedding the following night once, and had to eat dinner at a pretty loud bar as there was no restaurant available at the hotel. There was swearing and dirty dancing going on, it was embarrassing for me to be that mom with a baby at a bar. We ate quickly and left asap. At least the food wasn't that bad! Lesson learned, though. From now on I check to make sure there is a decent place for us to eat.

    As for bad behavior of DD while at restaurants, we've had a few experiences where one of us had to take her outside while the other finished their meal. I don't think its polite to remain seated at a restaurant when your child is crying loudly and causing a scene. Even if we are at a family place like Friendly's, I still try to get her behavior in check for the other patron's sake. If that means taking the meal to go instead, so be it.

    That said, we do make sure to eat out early. Our normal arrival time at the restaurant is 5:30ish. DD's bedtime is 7:30, and I know that her behavior and ability to keep herself in check will decline the closer bedtime comes. I have no idea what to expect with a toddler and a baby! I guess we will see when the time comes..

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I'm wondering if there's any chance the maitre d' saw your family walk in with a toddler and "suddenly remembered" that the placed was booked by another group? It sounds like a non-toddler friendly restaurant to me....?
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    Once was at a Chili's.  DH and I sat at our table for 20 minutes with menus.  No one EVER came by.  So we walked out and gave them our menus and was like "noone came".   They said "uh well if you sit down someone will come by:"

    Same thing then happened at a local restaraunt years later.  Thankfully on our way out there was a huge group of people coming in.  And we told them our experience and they left.  Worse part was that we had DS1 with us and he was so hungry.

    To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew
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    KateMW said:
    Here kids are allowed anywhere food is served. Not that I would take them to a bar with food. But a lounge at a nice hotel, she wasn't the first child nor will she be the last.

    We specifically go to the bars at the Disneyland hotels because we can take our kids....

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